The Crew

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May woke up the next day in her suite. She had never been to a motel with a 3 bedroom suite. Why Andre felt the need to get her a 3 bedroom suite? As she slid her hands along the plush sheets, the light from the window hit her face in the right angle. It felt like heaven was smiling down on her and she loved it. Then she remembered what she had to do today, meet Black Hippy. Slowly she got up from the bed and stretched, wondering how she was going to make it through the day.

May: (Calls Andre) Andre...

Andre: What's good?

May: Are you coming to pick me up?

Andre: I sent you someone to pick you up at 9:30am, His name is Patrick and he's T.D.E.'s agent.

May: (sighs) I was hoping you would be with me today...

Andre: I'm sorry May, I got a lot of work to do today. I'll check on you tomorrow before I go to Brooklyn.


Andre: You're mature enough to handle yourself. Once you get an apartment, I'll send your car and you'll be set. Patrick will show you around and get you used to Cali.

May: (sighs harder) Fine. I just feel so abandoned. (Hears the dial tone)... Did he just... (looks at phone)...Andre... (smacks teeth) He would... (Looks at time) 7:59am.

It took May only 30 minutes to take a shower and get dressed. May was a minimalist. She wore some black sweats, a black shirt, and some sandals. May didn't wear make-up because she believed that you don't mess up something that God created. She put her hair in a bun and picked up a book.

(One Hour Later: Patrick pulls up to the motel)

Patrick: (Knocks on her door) Hello, It's Patrick.

May: (Opens door and walks out)...Hi.

Patrick: Wow, Anthony's description of you did not do you justice. You're more than pretty, you're down right gorgeous. Is there anywhere you want to stop by before we go to the studio Ms.Mahalah?

May: Uhm, Thank you and no... (sighs a little) I feel like the faster I meet them, the faster I'll be less nervous.

Patrick: Oh there is nothing to be nervous about, they are goof-balls.

(They make it to the car and he opens her door)

May: Thanks (smiles).

Patrick: You're welcome. (Nods to her) Are you hungry?

May: I ate an apple at the motel. Oh my god... (Looks out window) These buildings are hugeee!

Patrick: I think they're about normal size... Are you from a small town or something?

May: Super small. (Still amazed at the scenery)

Patrick: We're here.

May: Thanks for the ride... (gets out car) Aren't you coming in?

Patrick: I'll be back. I don't have Q's dry cleaning and he's going to kill me...

May:... Okay?

As Patrick pulls off, May stands there in front of the studio's entrance. After whining a little to herself, she finally got the balls to touch the door knob. Turning the knob slowly, she could feel her stomach turning. "God give me strength", she thought to herself as she opened the door.

(to be continued...)

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