So, this is family?

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When Kendrick and May showed up at the house, May could see Kendrick's face light up when he saw his mama standing there waiting for their arrival. May was super nervous, she never spent a holiday with anyone besides herself. Usually when special occasions came around, May ignored them and pretended like it was regular day of the week. She kinda didn't understand why people celebrated these holidays in the first place, but since Kendrick invited her she wanted to see how holidays worked.

May's POV

(Kendrick hops out the car and gives his mother a huge hug: I don't know Kendrick's family names so I'm going to make them up.)

Kendrick: What's up ma, I hope you making that dressing like you did last Thanks Giving.

Kendrick's Mom: With the Jiffy, I know how you like it boy. You don't have to tell me. Ooo, (looks at May) so that's the girl you was talking about on the phone the other day... Come here girl , I don't bite. She look scared as hell.

May: (chuckles a little) Just a little nervous, this is my first time celebrating thanks giving.

Kendrick's Mom: Well my name is Tracy, and Kendrick told me about your situation. While you in this house, you're family. (Pulls her into a hug)... Imma show you how to make some mean bake macaroni.

May: (Looks back at Kendrick and raises her eyebrows, while Tracy pulls her into the house)... Thanks.

(They all walk inside and smell the food coming from the kitchen)

Kendrick: Mmm that glazed ham smell good ma, where everyone else at?

Tracy: Speaking of everyone else.. (Yells upstairs) RENAY!!! Come down here and say hey to your brother!!

Renay: Ugh Kendrick home...

Kendrick: Shut up renay and give me a hug. ( they hug and Kendrick doesn't let go)... Where the boys at ma?

Renay: (tries to get away)....

Tracy: Yo daddy in the back making fucking BBQ chicken, I told his ass no body want that on no thanks giving but he insisted that he make some... Your brothers by my sister house cleaning it out for the weekend so they eating there...

Renay: (Punches Kendrick on his back)

Kendrick: OUCH GIRL WHAT THE FA-fa-freak... (looks at Tracy with a scared look)

Tracy: (Looking down and stirring her macaroni) Thats what I thought, you ain't too famous to get yo ass whooped..

Renay: (laughs and looks at May) You are so pretty, what's your name?

May: I'm May, nice to meet you ...

Renay: (to Kendrick) You bring every girl over here besides your girl friend.. That's a shame, yall dating now?

Kendrick: One, Whitney made it clear she wanted to be with her family. Two, We not dating, she's just a friend and she's the new member of T.D.E. Three, you need to mind your own business..

Renay: Whatever ( Goes upstairs to her room )

Tracy: (Looks at May) Don't worry about her , she run her mouth like she get paid for her opinion... Kendrick you wanna taste this macaroni before I stick it in the oven?

Kendrick: Come on May, you probably never had food like this...

May: I'll try it when it's done.. (To herself ) What am I doing here!? I'm
Vegan and they are making ham and macaroni... God help me

(1 Hour later of talking and cooking)

Kendrick's POV

Kendrick: (Looks at May) Let's go upstairs to my room.

May: (Follows Kendrick upstairs to his room and sits on his bed) Your mom is hilarious. I just remembered, where am I going to sleep tonight?

Kendrick: Up here with me... Duh?

May: Uh.. I be damned... I'm not sleeping with you.

Kendrick: You act like I'm going to rape you or something... I'm not sleeping on the sofa for you. I'm sorry, so we sharing this bed.

May: (glares at him)... I guess I'll be sleeping on the sofa ... (Starts to walk out room)

Kendrick: (Grabs her sides and pulls her back in) You're not sleeping on the sofa...

May: (slaps his hands) Why not?

Kendrick: Because if my mama see you on the sofa, she's gonna get mad at me for not being on the sofa... I want my sweet potato pie tomorrow.

May: That sounds like a personal problem...( walks out again )

Kendrick: (picks her up and throws her on bed) May, you better start getting comfortable because your ass is staying right here...

May: (laughs) ...

Kendrick: what?

May: (laughs harder) You .... you literally body slammed me on this bed just because your fat ass wants pie...

Kendrick: (chuckles a little) I don't play when it comes to my mama's sweet potato pie May... Shit ( lays beside her )... So do we have a deal...

May: You're sleeping at the foot...

Kendrick: Thank you (grabs her face and kisses her cheek) .. About time

May: (wipes kiss off and play pushes ) Whatever Kendrick (laughs) ...

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