Turn Up!

106 11 5

May's POV
Today is my album release date and I'm SO excited. I can't help but think that all this is because of Andre and how he believed in me. Thank God for people like that.

(Bursts into studio)
May: TURN UP!! Who is about to demolish the hip hop game? The one and only May!! (Makes pretend crowd roars)

Q: Calm yo happy ass down, you didn't sell yet.

May: Whatever Q, you know I'm about to sell more than you anyways.

Jay: I would love to see that.

Ab: Shit to see the look on Q face, (sings) ...priceless (laughs)

Q: (Fake laughs and walks away)...

Kendrick: So May, how you want to celebrate... You know you have to go to that release party, but afterwards...

May: After the party, I'm going to bed.

Ab: The fuck? No you're not. Want to go to a strip club?

May: (Glares at him)...

Ab: .... What's wrong with that? We took Kendrick to his first strip club when his first album dropped..

May: I look like Kendrick? You know I don't approve of those places. It looks like a fucking human zoo...

Kendrick: Damn, never thought of it like that...

Ab: Man , I'm not about to sit here and hear May preach about injustice and black self-hate...

May: (shakes her head and laughs) ...

Kendrick: (Looks at May) Anyways... After the party how about we hang? You want to go to a club?

Jay: Let's all go..

May: hmmm...

Ab: Come on May, please....

May: (laughs at Ab pout face) Ok.. Club it is..

Q: Hell yeah, I want some nookie...

May: Nookie?

Kendrick: ... (Mouths) Va-Gi-Na...

May: .... (Walks out studio)

Ab & Jay: (laughs)

(Later on at the release party: May stands on stage for her speech)

May: Hello! Thank you guys for coming for real.. It means the world to me to see so many people here that I look up to musically wise.. I see Brandy! Hey girl! Kesha Cole! Wow... Usher! Wow just so many people here! Thank you guys for coming... Really.

Crowd: Sing Sing Sing!

May: Uh ... I really wasn't expecting to.. (Jokes around and sings into mic) oooh yeah...

People in the crowd chuckles a little before May starts singing: We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off..

The crowd goes super quiet as they listen to every sound that comes from her mouth. It's like they forgot where they were. Her voice was unique and soulful. After the performance they clapped and stood on their feet. May had this same feeling when she performed her first poem. She loved this feeling.

(Later that night: Kendrick and May ride in the car)

Kendrick's POV

May: Thank you for the ride, I really didn't want to take another cab. I hate the fact that my car is acting up.

Kendrick: You know I got you... You liked the party?

May: (Looking out the window).. Mhm

Kendrick: You tired? You know you don't have to go to the club if you don't want to. I'll make up some lie to tell the boys.

May: Really?

Kendrick: (chuckles) Yeah...


Kendrick: (laughs) Kenny?

May: Yup, I decided I'll call you that or Ken.. Is that ok?

Kendrick: Ha, it's cool. Here you go.. Home sweet home.

May: (Kisses his cheek and gets out car) Thanks Kenny..

Kendrick: Yeah..( blushes a little )

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