❤️one: the pending nuptials❤️

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Amelia looked pale as the maids continue to dress her up like some doll kept on a platter for the king's admiration. She had dreaded this day. She was barely 16 when she was told that she would be wedded to a man she had never even met.

A prince, her mother had told her. She was the first of four children. Due to the laws of her kingdom, the first daughter of the king was kept for marriage to a prince of another Kingdom, while the second daughter was trained to be a warrior whom the succession would pass on to if the king bore no male heir. Amelia had known that her fate had been decided and now after clocking 21.. she was definitely about to experience a new dimension. What was he like? She asked in her head. Was he ugly? A troll? Would he love her? Would she love him? She barely even knew what love was buh she knew she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with someone she did not like. As her maid continued to style her diamond plated gown with the finest jewelries, she felt a nut in her stomach.. oh how she she wished Ariel, her sister was here to help calm her nerves . It wasn't her wedding day yet. She was just meeting the royal family and yet she felt this nervous.. oh Ariel! She cried to herself as if hearing her name Ariel walked in looking ridiculous in her torn training clothes. Amelia heaved a sign of relieve on seeing her.

"Sister!" Ariel screamed making Amelia give a small smile

"Where have you been all morning?" Amelia asked looking at her through the mirror as her gown was too heavy for her to look back

"I believe you can tell by my outfit .... I was out training with Sir Cristin" Ariel replied

"I am nervous as hell" Amelia confessed
"Why? You look beautiful" Ariel smirked

"What if he does not like me? Or what if he is some sort of troll or beast !" She expressed in horror

"Then you, dear sister, you are his beauty for redemption" Ariel said laughing

"Not funny.. why do I have to be the one destined with this fate? I'd give anything to trade places with you" Amelia said finally turning to face Ariel after the maids were all done with fixing her up

"You are not fit to be a warrior" Ariel answered
Amelia scoffed

"You sound so confident.. I bet I could beat you on the battle field..." Amelia scoffed feeling more relaxed than she felt earlier.. this was why she loved Ariel.

Just before Ariel could reply, their mother, the queen walked in. You could tell that both Amelia and Ariel were true replicas of their mother. Having very thick black hair and sea blue eyes

"Oh dear! Amelia you are just as beautiful!" She complimented in excitement then she noticed Ariel who was standing at the farther end of the room still looking tattered
"Ariel dear the royal family would soon be here.. you should go get changed" she told Ariel

Ariel simply nodded, giving a quick smile to Amelia before leaving the room

Amelia took a very deep breath.. she began to feel nervous again.. what was it about the royal family that made her feel so unsettling?

"Mother," she called softly

Her mother looked at her with concern in her eyes

"I know you are scared and frightened by the sheer idea of a marriage that was imposed on you by traditional but I believe that you my dear will do just fine" Her mother said touching her chin

"What if he is a troll or a beast out to gut me in my sleep?" Amelia asked

Her mother chuckled

"Is that what bothers you? Oh Dear! The prince is a fine young man, capable of charming any young woman"

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