❤️Eighteen: Hyacinth ❤️

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Exactly eight ago.........

Enzo walked into the ball room, the familiar music of Joseph Bologne filled his ears. He smiled as he approached his brother Luca who looked amused by the sight in front of him. He tried to trace what fed his brother's gaze and he soon found his other brothers dancing. He chuckled in silence. He was beautifully dressed, looking younger and yet so mature in the satin garment that was adorned with the finest jewelry. The diamond ball was his favorite event of the year. The scenery fulfilled him earnestly. Luca smiled widely at the sight of him approaching and he smiled in return.

"Look! Our brothers were rejected by every lady in attendance" Luca said giggling. Enzo shared his amusement.

"And you do not seem occupied" Enzo remarked.

"I have my name on every dance card" Luca proudly said. His face giving off a very confident expression. Enzo sneered at him.

They continue to argue back and forth for quite a while and they continued, Enzo's attention was temporarily diverted to the lady and her parents, he presumed walking in. She was young, beautiful, defiant and confident. It was love at first sight or at least for Enzo as she was still oblivious of his presence. Luca who was still engrossed in his ranting barely acknowledged that Enzo no longer paid attention. Enzo stood, observing the beautiful young lady who's blonde hair was in a french plait. The choice of color of her gown attracted him the most. It was a cornflower blue silk gown. She shared a similar resemblance with the man whom he guessed could be her father. No names on her dance card yet and he could see it. He needed to speak to her. She stood smiling beautiful and watching those who danced to the beautiful song that played while her parents exchanged pleasantries with the people in attendance. Her father looked like an important man and her mother was just like every lady.

"Are you paying attention Enzo?" Luca called for his attention. Enzo gave no response. Luca tried to find what his brother was so deeply staring at and he bursted into an uncontrollable laughter. Enzo looked at him in confusion.

"Lord Bute" Luca said pointing to the man.

"It appears you are familiar" Enzo said and Luca nodded.

"I have to run along now brother! Louis Feathering is next" Luca said strolling off as he heard his favorite song play.

Enzo adjusted his posture. He was going to make a move. He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make them look attractive. He failed. He walked briskly to where the lady stood. His eyes on her face and then returning his gaze to her dance cared that still appeared empty. Thanking his stars that no man had acknowledged her presence yet.

"Eh- hem" he cleared his throat, gaining her attention.

"Oh goodness! Your highness!" Lord Bute bowed in excitement, interrupting whatever it was Enzo had to say.

"I do not think we are acquainted" Enzo said politely. He genuinely did not know the man. Well he was never really around the palace walls and he barely attended the court meetings. An act of rebellion.

"Lord Bute your highness" the old man bowed. He would have been goodlooking in his prime, Enzo thought. Enzo nodded in response to lord Bute introducing himself and after a brief moment, he returned his attention to the young lady.

"Shall we dance milady? Enzo asked politely and she nodded with a graceful smile that in turn earned a smile from Enzo. They both walked together. Her hands on Enzo's as he led her to a nice spot amongst the other dancers.

The song was just beginning and Enzo felt extremely lucky for that. They both bowed in courtesy as did the other dancers before the song began to play. The violinist playing a beautiful rhythm that made the atmosphere feel magical. Enzo's nerves were swimming out of control. As a rebellious prince, the young lady had set him off and now he had no words.

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