❤️ Seventeen: A raging Queen❤️

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"I must see the king!" Lord Bute barked in the face of the dowager queens who stood looking undisturbed. Lord Bute had walked in with Rachel demanding for the presence of the king. Queen Anne had been staring him suspiciously wondering what his relationship was with Rachel. Rachel stood beside lord Bute, worry was evident on her face. She looked like she had been forced to come to the palace. Queen Anne continued to stare hard at Rachel as lord Bute carried on with his ranting. She could suddenly see the resemblance between Lord Bute and Rachel. The genetic blonde hair and the full plump lips. They both had moles that stood at the exact same position of both their faces.  Queen Anne did not like the realization that was about to hit her. She did not want it infact. The entrance of Enzo and Amelia distracted her from her thoughts.

"You threaten the peace of the palace" Enzo said grudgingly. Amelia stole a quick glance at him. It had been days since the nightmare and no reasonable conversation had been held. It was obvious that Enzo was avoiding that topic of conversation. Thankfully, he did not withdraw from her and she was most grateful for it. Infact he had made her his solace, a place of his comfort and although it was tiring, she was glad he was still the same. Although this greatly affected the attention she showered on her children. They had been left under the care of the handmaids over the last days and she did miss them. But she was slowly beginning to accept that she was a wife, a mother and a queen and she would have to prioritize when the need did arise.

"Forgive me your majesty but I believe I come to tend to urgent matters" lord Bute. Amelia could see the smirk on his face that irritated her.

"That could be handled with discretion! You need not threaten the peace of the palace!" Amelia said speaking up.

"I speak to the king your majesty" lord Bute said in the condescending voice that infuriated Enzo.

"You do not speak to the queen except you wish to have your head disconnected from your body Lord Bute!" Enzo barked. His eyes filled with rage. The roar in his voice earned a small whimper from Rachel who shook like a leaf. Even Lord Bute was intimidated by Enzo's bark but he quickly maintained composure.

"My daughter is with child! Your child!" Lord Bute barked! The entire palace fell into a deep silence. A pin dropped would not go unnoticed. Enzo suddenly felt pale. "Deny it"  his subconscious screamed. "Order them destroyed"  he could hear his subconscious barking. Amelia looked at him in confusion and so did the rest of the royal family.

"You dare accuse the king?" Queen Anne roared angrily after gaining composure.

" Then the king must order my execution!" Lord Bute scoffed confidently.

"Hyacinth was your only child" Queen Elizabeth said.

Lord Bute's eyes raged at the mention of his dead daughter!. He struggled to keep himself composed and his blood boiled. He felt the pain in his heart.

"Rachel is my bastard" He said so condescendingly. Rachel looked at him with the tears in her eyes. It hurt her to hear her father refer to her as his bastard. She was of course but hearing him affirm was a different kind of pain that stung. Her mother had told her he died, her father died but it was none other than one of the prestigious lords of the inner court. But her happiness was short lived. She was his bastard, she wasn't allowed the legal rights worthy of being a lord's daughter. Her dead stepsister was the only one who got that privilege. And at the death of her sister, her father searched for her. She thought he was trying to be a father, but he wasn't. He had other ideas of his own . And it was to use her. Use her as bait to punish the royal family. She was a pawn in his little game. Meeting Enzo wasn't a coincidence, it was planned. Her father had planted her at the right places, the right people and his planned worked with ease. Rachel knew the details of course but along the line, she did fall in love with Enzo, it could not be helped. Enzo had been entirely different from what her father had told her. Mean, condescending, ruthless, a murderer. Her father's exact words.He fed her tales of how Enzo murdered her step sister. But Enzo had been the opposite. He listened to her, cared for her, he could not love her but he made her feel safe, wanted and she did not stop herself. She let herself fall deeply than she eve imagined. But her father would not hear of it! He wanted  the success of his plan. He was using her to make the royal family pay for the death of hyacinth! His daughter and her step sister.

"Your bastard?" Enzo asked finding his voice. Guilt washed over him as he looked at Amelia who stood still. Her face was emotionless and he feared. The nightmare was turning into a reality but it was a different reality and even a harsher one. He did not want this reality. The betrayal was evident on her face.

" Yes! And I shall not have her bare a bastard! You must take responsibility " lord Bute said smiling. His plan seemed to be falling in line.

" The child is yours? " Queen Anne silently begging Enzo through her eyes to say that the child wasn't his

Enzo nodded in the shame. The disappointment evident on everyone's face. He looked at Amelia. She still had not said a word.

"What do you want Lord Bute?" Queen Anne asked

"This is certain to cause a scandal amongst the ton. My name shall be top gossip on the lips of mere peasants. A bastard begets a bastard! I shall take an offer into consideration and inform the king! You took one daughter away from me! You must do right by me! " Lord Bute said in spite.

"Your daughter and her child shall be cared for! But I do find it rather infuriating that you keep referring to her as a bastard. I believe she has a name and must be addressed with it! Until a decision is made, you must return with your daughter, we shall send for her! " Amelia spoke. Much to the amazement of everyone. Especially Enzo. They all stared at her in disbelief. Rachel looked at her. A small smile formed on her lips. A raging look appeared on lord Bute's aged face. This was not the reaction he was hoping for. Amelia had been rather calm and was handling the matter with so much grace that it bothered everyone including Enzo.

"Do you understand the severity of the matter? Your majesty! There shall be talks" lord Bute said agitated

"Let the people talk if they must! The royal family shall not be dragged into a scheme! And you must not disrespect the king! I command it! You have been utterly uncouth since you walked in here! And your behavior shall no longer be tolerated! Enzo is king now and you must address him as such! Consider this mercy at it's limit! I shall not hesitate to order you stripped off your title and foresee your punishment! Am I understood? " Amelia barked in rage that it made lord bute shiver in fear.

" Yes your majesty " he bowed in defeat before walking away in shame with Rachel who had a small smile on her face.

"Amelia I..." Enzo began but the look on Amelia's face scared him.

"The king and I require privacy" she said to the rest of the royal family who gradually walked away with smiles on their faces. She could tell that the smile they wore was adorned with pride.

When they were finally alone she took a very long deep breath. Her face relaxing and her body easing away the tension that filled the palace walls.

"Amelia you must know...." He started

"I am fully aware of the circumstances surrounding our nuptials. It wasn't love, it certainly wasn't friendship. I do not think you a saint but I do believe the events of your past have come bearing consequences, whatever it maybe. I shall stand by you. We are one crown. Your weight is mine, and mine yours, we must not be divided. I shall not let this deter our communication. Our children shall not bare consequences of the sins of your past! So implore you to believe that we need a fresh start! I shall not deny that I love you and the many struggles we have faced have not ever changed my affection for you and this will not either! If we are going to be king and queen, you are going to learn to take accountability of your actions and make amendments if need be, the child she carries, shall not be called a bastard! He is yours just as the rest of the children, we shall treat both mother and child with love and you will put the fears of your past behind you and move on! " She said firmly. A smile on her face formed. Enzo was overwhelmed. He loved her.  He did!

" I love you Amelia " was all he could say. She smiled at him widely as she watched him approach her.

"I implore you to tell me everything " she said softly looking at him with so much concern and he nodded


We are literally about to find out why Enzo is the way he is. Are you ready? Coz I don't think I am! We always felt the unseen connection between Enzo and lord Bute and now we about to know what exactly happened. Grab your popcorns my lovessss❤️

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