❤️Eleven: Choices❤️

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Enzo sat beside his father in the royal court, lost in the ocean of his own thoughts as the Lords blabbed about the line of succession. His face pale and his eyes tired. He hadn't been listening since the procession began, more importantly he didn't care! His hands subconsciously running the fur that coated the beautiful cushion he sat on. Luca's cushion!  His brother would feel betrayed by this. Luca would genuinely not mind but his heart spoke otherwise. He cried silently as the Lords continued in their endless back and forth rants. He could hear his father sigh deeply occasionally as this procession continued. His mind temporarily wandered off about Amelia's welfare. He shouldn't have been such an arse! Although he was desperate for her, he needed to forgive himself first. He was already on that journey. Having asked Luigi to deliver three bags of gold pennies to Rachel hoping it'd be enough to send a clear message that he was ending what ever relationship they had.

"There has to be some sort of confederacy" a Lord spoke catching Enzo's attention.

"Nonsense! I say we declare the lord of the tile heir!" Lord Fredrick scoffed!

Enzo felt a lump in his chest! It was boldly written in his face right from his birth that he wasn't fit to be heir! An heir did not have blood on his hands.

"An alliance would only have a temporary effect! Declaring heir would put a seal on the matter!" Lord Bute added, Enzo could see him grinning from ear to ear.

"What is to be decided your majesty?" Lord Fredrick asked the king. The king had been equally consumed by fatigue. He looked older than he had ever been.

Enzo could notice his father's uncomfortable sigh and very troubled shifts that he made as he struggled to find a comfortable position to seat. His father needed saving

"There is to be no decision!" Enzo spoke finding his words. The Lords were taken aback by his "venomous words"

"You speak for the king?" Lord Bute asked obviously about to throw a tantrum

"The heir has just past away! His body is yet to be found! His wedded and the heir that was to be born! None is found! And you lots! Worry about a confederacy or an alliance?" Enzo barked! Did these men not have a heart?!

"The death of the prince is a devasting moment for us... How ever... It has been 95 days! We must declare a new heir! The people need to know!" Lord Fredrick spoke up!

The king only looked at them!

"Until the king is ready! There shall be no declaration!" Enzo barked again

"Do not speak for the king!" Lord Bute stated! His anger slowly rising.

Enzo could drive a sword into the old man's heart!

"If it was not for the king! You should have been in exile! You staged a rebellion!" Enzo reminded lord Bute who now looked like he had been poisoned by Enzo's venom!

"Enzo!" The king called.  It was only loud enough for Enzo to hear.

Enzo looked at his father in worry!

"Take the king to his chambers! He requires rest! Let no one enter!" He ordered the guards who swung into the action.

He turned back his attention to the lords! He scanned their faces! All of them! Poison in their heart and venom in their tongue. Luca hated them too! His brother had told him that he would dissolve them all when he would become king! Maybe Enzo should become king, he thought! He would dissolve them all! Strip them of their titles! It would be his gift to his brother!

"When the king is well, a message shall be sent requesting your presence and then we shall revisit this matter!" He said and walked out, Luigi following him behind.

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