Chapter 13

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Chapter Warnings: mc not really taking care of herself properly, mc gets to see genius labs, feelings of insecurity, weight insecurity, yoongi's hands, mc wants a necklace, yoongi being a simp for mc, very slight smut, teasing, new character introduction, hobi backstory, hobi and mc understanding, jimin being a straight tease, lots of feelings, angst, fluff

You were beautiful like this, Haneul thought.

You smiled wide as you tried to grab the bag of candies from Kangmin, his hand held above his head so you couldn't reach them. The poor chocolates were held hostage with the hopes that you wouldn't eat all of them before anyone else had the chance to. Kangmin held a teasing smile, taunts on his lips about how small you were.

You three were currently at Haneul's house, deciding it would be better to hang out there instead of your home or Kangmin's. Out of respect for the boys, no one wanted to bring their scent into your home, especially Kangmin, and Kangmin had roommates who weren't the friendliest on the weekends.

So, on this fine Saturday morning, the three of you were watching old Disney movies and eating as many snacks as you could stomach. You had already watched the Little Mermaid, and Haneul was in the middle of trying to find Aladdin.

Haneul doesn't think she has ever seen you so carefree, so unapologetically yourself. You always seemed to wear a smile on your lips, and the once soft blush became a heated glow to your skin thanks to those seven alphas. You were growing into the women she always thought you would be, and she couldn't be any more happier for her best friend.

On the other hand, she missed hanging out with you. You seemed to spend all your time with your mates, which is understandable, but it was still weird not having you around all the time. It was something Haneul knew she would have to get used to.

However, you were determined to still spend as much time with Haneul as you could. You had turned down plans with Jungkook to come over today, the older mate wanting to have a movie day with you. You had promised him to hang out later, after you would go grocery shopping, to which he said he would pick you up at four and take you grocery shopping himself. He didn't care what you did as long as he was with you. This had Haneul and Kangmin giggling like little girls when you told them about the new plans.

"Honestly, all you got to do is pout and they fall in line! I wish I had someone like that." Kangmin pouted, finally giving in, and handing you the bag of chocolates as he fell back into the couch.

"You should have seen them when they showed up here! They would have kissed her feet if she wanted them to." Haneul added, a wry smile on her lips as she glances in your direction, your eyes closed as you try to hide from their stares.

"You guys are ridiculous." You roll your eyes at their antics, throwing a pillow at the two giggling friends and sit down in the corner of the couch, knees propped up underneath you as you lay another pillow on your lap.

"Well, I'm just happy you're getting some dick now. And seven at that." Kangmin infers, clapping his hands to emphasize his words. You, however, freeze, causing Kangmin to look at you in confusion.

"Y/n, are you telling me you haven't mated with them yet?" Kangmin's voices is soft now as he moves to sit by you. His arm wrapping around your shoulders as he brings you closer. He mistakes your frozen stature for embarrassment and tries to comfort you.

"Don't worry. With how they seem at work around you, they are probably just waiting for the best moment. I'm sure they wanna dick you down. Especially with the looks they send you." You narrow your eyes in confusion at his words, while Haneul laughs in the background at the situation you've found yourself in.

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