Chapter 16

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Chapter Warnings: new character arrivals, well one of them isn't really new, kind of anyways, some bad feelings for mc, allusions to neglect/child abuse, ptsd, self-harm (mc digs nails into her thighs drawing a little blood), protective bangtan, jin and Hobi's parents are not to be messed with, mc slips back into survival mode, mc slips into her omega headspace, 

Fortunately... or maybe rather unfortunately, you came to fine that Jiwoo and Haneul became the best of friends, with Jiwoo now being the Nani to your Stitch and Haneul's Lilo. Jiwoo had shown up at your rather cold apartment with her mate Hyunshik, who she affectionately calls Hyunny.

Hyunshik was a tall man, a protective stance seeming permanent as he moves with Jiwoo, keeping her within his sights as he introduces himself. He was incredibly sweet and polite, asking if he could sit down on your couch before doing so. He had looked around your apartment before fully relaxing into your couch, his instincts telling him to protect his mate, even in another omega's den.

Haneul had been with you since around six am, showing up at your mates' home and bypassing all of the security, which made Yoongi seriously consider a lot of "new opportunities" for your best friend/ Haneul came in claiming she was your fairy godmother, here to prepare you for the lunch with your mates' parents.

She practically dragged you into her car, a couple outfits in hand as she placed a coffee in your hands from her cup holder. You had never seen her so energetic, even after hours of drinking and dancing as she belts the lyrics to Boa's "No.1".

So that is where you are, four hours later with Jiwoo doing your makeup and Haneul doing your hair. Jiwoo had shown up around an hour before, wondering if she could help you get ready. You told her what was going on and when she showed up with Hyunshik in tow, all but pushing your door open with a large smile on her face, Haneul added a third member to your friend group, claiming she was kicking out Kangmin.

You were oddly calm about the entire thing, but something in your mind told you this would be the calm before the storm, that something was going to go wrong. When you expressed this to Haneul, well, she was blunt.

"You are not getting out of this. This is a new and exciting step for your courtship and Jiwoo as already stated that her parents are even more nervous than you."

"I don't know... I just have this cold feeling in the pit of my stomach." You held your stomach, rubbing the skin under your shirt hoping that the motion would warm up your feeling.

"You are a strong, badass woman who is going to look amazing as she meets her mates' parents. Or rather, two of her mates' parents but that's beside the point." Haneul as a determined look on her face as she puts her hands on her hips, needing to make sure that you follow through with this lunch.

Jiwoo didn't know what your feeling was coming from but wondered if it was your incoming omega that was trying to tell you something. Hobi had confided in the packs suspicion in what might be happening. What solidified it for Jiwoo was the new irritated bump she could see very slightly raised on your neck. Right where her own scent gland was located.

When she had talked with her brother this morning, Hobi had told her it was a new development, only within a couple of days. He claims that you thought it was just a healing love mark from Taehyung, but they all knew differently. It seemed like you were a part of the 43% of human mates becoming an actual omega.

As for the feeling, omegas, as the heart of the pack, can get a warning feeling. If something is going to happen to the pack, an omega will sometimes get a feeling before the fact, so that her pack can properly defend themselves. Jiwoo herself has felt this before on two occasions. One when she was younger and the other a couple years ago.

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