Ajar's Tests

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It was a ruff night for me, I struggled to sleep and I couldn't stop thinking of Ajar.

I sighed as I got up and changed.

"Y/n why are you up so early...." Vash asked rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"It's nothing Vash just had some sleep trouble" I said with a smile.

But if I'm being honest, I was scared, if he were to find me....what then...what would happen to me, to Vash...and the others.

It was after that thought that I heard a nock at the door.

"Hurry up you two we need to get a move on" Wolfwood hollered from behind the door.

Vash sighed and we both started walking to the door.

It was a quiet walk to the outside of the motel, but as soon as we opened the doors to the outside, nothing but wipes were heard.

I closed my eyes in tension and I could tell Vash was worried about me and I didn't want him to, so I took a deep breath and tried to keep walking.

Everything was fairly ok...at least that's what we thought.


I stood there paralyzed in fear, while the others started in confusion.

"What's going on?" Vash asked conserved as he held onto me tightly.

"A....Ajar....h...he knows I'm here....he can't find out about you guys....h...he'll kill you...." I stuttered in fear as I stared off into the distance.

"No...no no no....NO!" I broke from Vash's grip and started running as fast as I could.

I can't look back, I can't think, I can't let him find them, find him....I can't loose him like I did her, MY NEART CANT BEAR IT! I yelled internally to myself as I kept on running, in no real direction.

vash pov:

"What?" I said trying to comprehend what just happened.

But by the time I realized Y/n escaped my hold she was gone.

"Y/N COME BACK! WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HER!" I said panicked as I started running in the direction she went.

Before I could actually run, Wolfwood grabbed my coat keeping me from going anywhere.

"Hold on Needle Noggin, we need to understand what is going on first" he said to me letting out a puff of smoke completely unfazed by the situation.

"How are you so damn calm!?!" I yelled as I panicked.

Meryl and Millie looked at me in worry never seeing me this panicked before.

"Maybe because I'm not head over heels in love with her" Wolfwood said.

That ticked me off.

But before I could start yelling Meryl shook her head at me and quieted down with clenched fists.

"Who is Ajar and what tests are you talking about" I said as I looked at Star.

"Ajar....he was a slave owner of Y/n....he conducted experiments on her...used her her heart against her...she was always so king and cheerful before him, but he destroyed her." Star started with sadness in her voice.

"Why would he do experiments on some slave?" Wolfwood commented.

I was ready to punch him square in the face but took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Y/n...she is not fully human..." Star said quietly as if unsure.

My body froze in that moment...and it made me realize something...ever since I laid eyes on her...I had a bond, a connection with her...is it possible....

"You see...Y/n is half..." Star started but my mind was running a mile a minute.

"Plant" both me and Star said at the same time.

Star looked at me in confusion as to how I knew but i couldn't tell her why I just looked away with clenched fist.

"It makes since now why Knives is after her...but why does he want to kill her when she is like him..." I mumbled the second part quietly so no one could here...or so I thought.

"Because Needle Noggin...use your head...that would mean an independent had a child with a human" Wolfwood said puffing out some smoke.

"Ajar knows she is here....which means he will send out Demon...."Star said softly.

"How do you know so much?" I asked her confused as to how she knew.

"Because I was there...I was forced to watch...Demon enjoyed watching it though...he is a horrible human being..." she said softly tears rolling down her face.

"It's all right we will save her no matter what ok?" I said softly.

She looked at me with a smile and thanked me.

"Thank you Vash, I'm so glad she has someone like you....don't die on her...." Star said softly and gave me a map of how to get to Ajar's Lab if it came down to it.

"All right guys! First things first we need to find her ASAP!" I said becoming serious.

"Meryl you take the East side of the town, Millie the West, Wolfwood the South, and I'll take the North. We will find her and we are going to protect her. Once we get her we leave, LETS DO THIS!" I yelled loudly as we all started going our own paths.

Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you enjoyed though! It has been really crazy for me lately and I hate that I'm not having time to write this for you all! But please just try to be patient and I will update when I can. And comment any questions and if you're enjoying!

-Gabie the Stampede

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