I - Any Other Day

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Today was like any other day. Billions of assignments, bullies being bullies. The one thing Max looked forward to every day was hanging out with her friends after class. Then going home to sleep the whole day.

"Alright, class. Who can tell me the simplest definition of this function?" The teacher asked, looking around the classroom while pointing the chalk onto something he had written on the board.

She looked at the board, trying to think of what to say if she were called to recite. For a second, the teacher looked at her, but she wasn't who he was looking for. He had called another kid who was a few rows from Max.

As she fiddled with the pencil in her hands, she watched cars drive by the school. It was a habit at that point. She would do anything but focus on whatever her teacher in the last period would say to make time go quicker.

It took forever until the dismissal bell rang. She got out of her classroom window and slowly walked towards the wooden bench near the fountain right outside the classroom where she and her friends would usually hang out to do homework or study. As she was about to take a seat, a group of tall males with blonde hair pulled Max's bag and threw it on the concrete ground. It was Jackson, and his little minions Lewis and James. Jack has been Max's nemesis since they moved here from England.

"Fuck off, Jackson. Are you incapable of leaving the school grounds without picking on anyone?" Max annoyingly says as she grabs the books scattered on the ground.

She shoved her books into her bag, glared at Jackson, and walked away, picking up speed then grabbing her skateboard from her backpack and skating towards the beat-up Sedan mom gave her on her 16th birthday.

"Same time next week, Maxine!" Jackson shouts, laughing with the other boys he was with. Max quickly got into her car, slamming the door and shoving her bag in the back seat.

While slowly driving toward the exit, she waited for Jackson and his friends to get to the gate of the school. She watched as they laughed, pushing each other while walking toward the exit.

She knew exactly that Jackson would be walking in the middle of the road. So she immediately put all of her weight onto the gas pedal and pushed her hand into the horn. Everyone was startled. Especially Jackson. He had fallen on the road while his two buddies fell on the sidewalk, holding each other tightly.

Maxine took a second to laugh before she looked in her rearview mirror to see two security guards running toward her car, causing her to panic. She immediately drove around Jackson and a few people who were walking on the road.


I drive to and from school every day to my apartment. I used to live with my mom. But she had to move to a different country for her work. Sometimes, my sister, Diane crashes here since her unit is a few floors up from mine. I live in a twenty-two-story, three-building apartment complex. It's in the city of my high school but far enough to not be seen by my classmates. If you're wondering why a 17-year-old girl lives alone in the city and why she can afford it, my mother is a wealthy businesswoman and apparently, I'm the most decent daughter she has. Of course, it took her a lot of convincing to let her daughter live alone. I do get a 4,000-dollar allowance every 2 months. Don't call me a spoiled brat because me and my siblings get the same amount. Well except my brother, Jesse. He's already in his late 20's and I hate to say it but he's pretty successful.

When I got home, I immediately ate my leftovers from some random fast food place last night. I never really cook 'cause I don't need to and don't know how to. But I still go grocery shopping for ingredients for dishes in case my sister comes over because she's a chef.

I went to the bathroom and turned the faucet on my bathtub and threw in a bunch of random bath scents my Dad sends me every two weeks to "show that he's still around". I still appreciate it, though.

After a long-awaited relaxing bath, my thoughts went to the countless things that I had to do before I graduated. I only had less than 3 weeks until graduation. Come to think of it, I don't know what I'd do after I graduate either. I sighed as I thought of how I'd live if I told my mother I had no plans for the future. I'm sure she would cut me off of the allowance. 

I don't know what relaxes me. Maybe the thought of beating Jack to death with my skateboard? No, that's weird to think of while taking a bath. However, that did make me feel relaxed. Well, not exactly beating him to death. Every time I looked through the classroom window and saw him during a quiz or a test, picking on the younger kids in high school, I felt so annoyed, but then I started to think that maybe Jack would change. Ah shit, I'm relaxed right now. I guess the thought of my nemesis who was my best friend going back to being the kind kid he used to be is my stress reliever. Shit, I don't even know what happened to that bitch. He was so nice to me, especially during my parents' separation. I guess I'll have to think of that for the rest of the week since I can't stay relaxed knowing school is still gonna be around by the time the weekend ends.

As soon as I dry myself with a towel, I put pajamas on and lay down on my bed, scrolling through Instagram. Right away, I find myself drifting to sleep. Until my sister messages me asking to borrow a few hundred dollars. By the way, Mica stays with her boyfriend, and of course, all of the allowance runs out right away for her cause she's stupid enough to share a bank account with him. Normally, I would just say yes and send her the money to avoid the chaos. But, today, I got up and recorded myself on my phone saying "Fuck off forever, Mics. Learn to budget your money better and maybe I'll send you a buck or two."

Of course, I thought of the consequences of sending it, but who cares? She really should learn to budget her money better and maybe not share an account with a guy who will probably eventually dump her. After that mind-draining moment, I immediately fell asleep.

YERHHHH WASGUH CHAT??? anyways this sucks but my bad, I wrote this when I was 11 LOL.

word count is 1151.

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