X - New York, New People

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It was already past 11 at night. Jesse and Edward were half asleep on the couch across from me. I was drinking my 4th can of Pepsi while Kai was drinking another cup of whatever stinky liquor was in that bottle.

"So," Kai moves Edward's head from his lap, seating himself next to me. "How come I've never heard of you or your sisters from Jesse? I mean, we have been friends for 2 years now."

I refused to look at him, not because I didn't like him or anything. I just don't like making eye contact.

"I don't know. It's a long story. I'd have to take you back to when we were living in North Carolina if you want to know." I say.

He looked at me like he didn't care about the length of the story.

"Fine. But before I answer that, tell me, since you keep talking about your friendship with my brother."

"I'm ready to be interviewed. I'll bet you I know him better than you." He says while nibbling on a slice of lime.

"Where did he grow up?" I ask.

"Easy. Brighton." He answers with a smirk on his face.

"What is his dream career?"

"The best runway model in town."

"Wrong," I say loudly.

"What? I, okay. Fine. I'll ask you stuff then."

"Okay," I respond, drinking the rest of my Pepsi.

"What's your favorite color?' He asks.

I look at him, laughing, "Seriously? My favorite color? Come on, Kai. You can do better than that."

"Oh my God, Max. Just answer the question. So stubborn, you."

"Alright," I say, adjusting the way I sat to face him. "Grey."

"Why grey?" He asks.

"Cause grey is cool. Modern. It doesn't say much about me, and I like it. Grey is a color nobody over-analyzes."

"It actually says you're a boring, stale, dry person." He states, chuckling like a kid, "Are you also into modeling by any chance?"

"Hell nah, man. I mean no offense. I know walking in a straight line is pretty much what people call art these days. But modeling is so,"
I stop talking, trying to think of a word to describe the wonderous walking game.

"Does modeling make me seem like a boring, stale, dry person then?" He asks.

"Okay, dude. Your words, not mine. But, no. I mean, modeling is cool and all, but it can cause a lot of long-term problems," I say, "You know?"

"Long term problems? What do you mean? Like back pain or something?" He looks at me with a very confused look on his face.

"No, you idiot. That shit brings out the worst in people most of the time. With all that high standard shit with physical image. It sets such a weird standard. Makes people think somethings wrong with them just cause they didn't get accepted into the walking program."

"Huh, I mean yeah. That makes sense. So if you're not into modeling, what are you into?"

"I don't really know yet. Maybe I'm into independence. I don't think I want to go to school right away, you know? It's been my top priority since I was born. To be the smartest. To be the top of my class whatnot."

"Wait, huh? What has been your top priority?"
Kai asks. This guy is drunk with a capital D.

"School, the numbers written on my report cards, how people see me. That type of shit. It's stupid, but whatever. I just really miss being able to wake up past 10 and stuff."

"Well. that's an option. It's not a bad thing to take a break from school. I did that. Until it wasn't a break anymore. Had too much fun partying and heard too many people say college fried their brains."

"Ah, thanks, Kai. Really helps me find out what to do with my life after high school."
I say sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. Plus I experienced that. You could go through something totally different," He looks at me with those stupid eyes. You know those 'did I upset you?' eyes. Yeah, those, "If it helps, I wish I did go to college."

"Yeah, that helps, actually."
I respond, looking at the clock hanging on the wall.

Kai looks at me, then looks at the clock, "Oh, fuck. It's almost midnight. We gotta wake them up."

"Yeah, you do that. I'm gonna go to bed. I have a date later at 7 AM sharp with a very nice private plane with a stupid name. You might know him. 'Air Jesse'?"
I ask, getting up from the very comfortable couch I was sitting on.

"Max, help me wake them up. Me and Edward are coming with you guys to North Carolina later."

"Oh, what? Alright then."

3:49 AM

I was lying on my bed, half asleep when I felt my phone vibrating. I groan in annoyance and bury my face on the pillow my head was resting on. After a few minutes, my phone stopped vibrating. I raise my head and shift my face to the large window next to my bed, looking at the colorful lights outside of buildings and billboards. I feel myself drifting off to sleep when suddenly, I hear my phone vibrating through my pillow. I immediately grab my phone to see who was up and calling me at 3 in the morning. I look at my phone screen to see my mother calling me. I sigh as I tap the green 'accept' button and raise my phone to my ear.

"Hello? Maxine? Are you there?" I hear my moms voice and a man with a heavy accent in the background. "Gosh, honey. I don't understand how these phones work. Maxine, can you hear me?"

I sat up and stayed silent for a while.

"She has answered. I think she is ignoring you, Lianne." I hear a faint male voice in the background.

"Maxine, are you there?" My mom asks with annoyance seeping through her voice.

"What, mom? I was sleeping. It's 3 in the morning. Why on earth are you calling me so early?" I break my silence.

"Oh, Maxine. I'm sorry. I forget about the time difference all the time. I feel as though I am still in North Carolina." She responds.

"Mom, what do you want?" I ask, sighing.

"I want you to meet my husband, Jeorg. We are on a flight from Athens to Charlotte right now."

"What? You're going to my graduation?"
I ask.

"Of course, I am. I wouldn't miss it. What kind of mother do you think I am, Maxine?"

"Good question. You are the kind of mother that leaves saying she has a business meeting in another country when she really is getting remarried to some Greek guy."
I answer, raising my voice a little.

I hear a sigh from the other side of my phone. "I have to go, Maxine. I will go to your graduation. But I have business in Atlanta and will be staying there until your graduation. We will talk after your graduation. Also, tell me which college you will be applying to." She says, hanging up the phone.

"Well, shit." I say, looking at my phone screen.

I sigh, plopping on the bed. I stare at the ceiling, wondering what to tell her. I really think New York is for me. But, I don't want to go to college for another year. Maybe get a job at that café down the street. But other than that, college is blurry right now. It's the last thing on my mind. I don't know what to tell her. I know she'll probably get mad and not talk to me for a while. She'd say something like 'I slaved and slaved for you. I let you live alone in my apartment. I increased your allowance. And you're telling me now that you wont even go to college?' High expectations, mothers. I greatly appreciate that she worked her ass off for me. But, just because of that, I have to go to college right away?

erm what the fliperoni? also, "Jeorg" is pronounced almost like George.

word count is 1362.

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