VI - Surprise, bitch!

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Newark Liberty 08:23 PM

A cold hand tapped my shoulder, "Good evening, Ma'am. Did you sleep well?" A flight attendant and smiles at me.

"Um, yeah," I rub my eyes. "Did we land already?" I looked out of the window to see where we were.

"Yes, Ma'am. Welcome to New York." She says as she moves the blinds upwards on a window from the seat across mine showing a perfect view of New York.

I look around the other seats across the aisle. No one was there. Jesse wasn't even sleeping next to me anymore, "Miss? Where are the people I flew here with?"

"Oh, Mr. Davidson is in the toilet while your friend is talking to our pilot. It seems he is very interested in Aircraft," The flight attendant smiles and giggles, "Well anyway, all of your baggage is in the trunk of the car."

"Oh, okay."

I stood up and got out of the plane, sitting on one of the stairs steps.

"Hey, Em. Ever been to New York?" Chase asks while sitting on the step higher behind me.

"Nope. Have you?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the two cars parked in front of me.

"Oh, no. I never thought I'd even step foot in this place. Way too fashion week-y for me," He states. "Anyway, let's get in the car. The flight attendant told me that we are going to a mall first."

We go into the car and the driver immediately greets us.

"Good evening, Ms. Maxine, Mr. Chase. My name is Kinsley. I will be your driver for the rest of your stay here. Welcome to New York. I have been instructed to drive you two to a mall to shop for clothing and essentials. Then after, we can go to Mr. Davidson's home."

"That's cool. So, Mr. Kinsley. Does Jesse really live in a massive mansion?" Chase asks, scooting forward.

"Well, Mr. Davidson has a few mansions outside of New York. But he lives in a two-story apartment right now."

"So he's rich like that, then?" I ask, not pulling my eyes away from the scenery outside.

"Yes. He is rich like that, Ms. Maxine." I hear the man laugh.

After an exhausting spree, we finally got home. Home? I don't know what to call this place. It feels like home. But I'm not sure I can trust my feelings right now. I'm sure Jesse only let me go on a shopping spree so I can say this is my home.

I was given a room with a bed, a desk with a chair, and my bathroom. At the same time, Chase got one as well, just across mine. I have to remind myself that this is all just to woo me into actually staying here for good. I'm not saying I wouldn't stay here for good. But right now, I feel like my only family is Jesse and Chase.

The first morning in New York

I woke up to a light knock on my door. I hear it slowly opening. The sun wasn't even beaming yet and someone was already trying to disturb my sleep.

Jesse sits on my bed, shaking my shoulder, "Good morning, little sister. There's breakfast downstairs. Chase is already there eating if you want to join him."

I groan in annoyance. But so did my stomach. To be fair I haven't eaten anything since we landed.

"Are you gonna join him or are you gonna whine about life inside my beautiful apartment where you're staying rent-free?"

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