VII - Mrs. Greece

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11:39 am

We got to the entrance of the building where Jesse was meant to be shooting a commercial. While Kinsley was speaking to a guard in the parking lot, Chase and I were playing Uno in the back of the car.

"Sorry, kids. It seems Jesse already left to go to another shoot. Where do you want to go now?" Kinsley looked back at us from his seat.

Chase looks at me, checking if I was upset.

"Can we go back to the apartment? I want to catch up on some sleep." I didn't need sleep. I'm a Senior in high school. Sleep is non-existent in my life. I just needed an internet connection to see if my mom decided to reach out. Or maybe Mica.

In just a few minutes, we were in the apartment. I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I walked to my room and locked the door. I dug into my bag and pulled out my phone and charger. I didn't use my phone for almost two days to avoid any contact with certain North Carolina people.

Right when I turned on my phone, I was bombarded with missed calls and a few emails and messages from Mica and my mother. I guess even Greece was awoken by my rebelling. Before I could even click on the missed messages I received in the past 30 hours, I received a startling call from my mother.

"Well hello, Lianne," I say with annoyance in my voice.

"Where in the hell are you? Did you run away? Is it because of Jesse? You better share your location right now." My mom blew up on me, attacking me with multiple questions.

"I'm in New York, Ma. With Chase and Jesse."

"Who is Chase? Is that your boyfriend? Let me talk to your brother. You two worry me so much. Neither of you would answer my calls. I would have sent the police to the apartment by now."

"Ma, Chase is Mica's boyfriend. He wanted to keep me company because Diane and Mica couldn't give two shits about me," I respond, walking back and forth. "And Jesse is busy shooting commercials all over New York so I don't know where he is right now."

"When he gets home, you better tell that boy to call me right away."

"Wait, Ma. Stop stressing. Don't you have a wedding to enjoy?" I stop pacing, waiting for a response.

"Listen, Maxine. Now is not the time. I will explain later. Right now, I need to talk to your brother. Goodbye. I hope you like New York." Before I could even respond, I heard the call end.

I groan in annoyance, throwing my phone on my bed. I plop onto my bed, thinking about what I plan on doing with my life. I don't even know if I want to go to college yet. I think I want to experience adulthood first before going back to being a slave to education. Before I even knew it, I already drifted to sleep.


I was posing for a snap of myself and a newly launched product when I suddenly received a phone call.

My assistant hands me my phone, "Will you ever learn that phones are prohibited on site unless it's for filming purposes?"

"Go away, little boy," I shooed my assistant as I accepted the call. "Hello, Jesse Davidson speaking."

"Jesse, you didn't tell me you were going to take your sister. I gave you that instruction last month. I thought you just forgot about it. Why did you postpone it?"

"Oh, I'm good, Mom. Thanks for asking," I sigh. "I didn't have time last month and now I do."

"Did you tell her I will be back in a few months?"

"No, Mom. She only found out about you getting married to Greece last night."

"Greece is not just one person, you know?"

"Sure. I have to go." I ended the call before she could even say anything to me.

I may have contact with her, but I still resent her for being so weak when I was younger. She should have at least tried to keep us away from her abusive, pasty husband, Ron.

I honestly didn't want to take Maxine in. I wasn't busy with anything last month. I just didn't want to go back to North Carolina. But before I could decide that I really wouldn't take her in, I kept thinking of the fact that I promised my sisters that I would get us out of that hell our parents' called home. I wasn't going to consider it since Maxine was already 17 and was already capable of being alone. Maybe I felt bad that I was never around when she was growing up. Not only did she not have a father figure, but she also had her brother walk out on her when she was only a little kid.

"Chop-chop, Jesse. We have to retake a few clips. And please do us all a favor and let your assistant answer your calls so we can all go home." Michelle says while shining her stupid laser in my eye to get my attention.

A few hours later. Jesse was driving back to his apartment

I feel my phone buzzing on my lap. I ignored it and put my phone on the passenger seat so I could focus on driving. After a few minutes, it starts to buzz again. At this point, I wished my assistant was here to take the call. I grab my phone and answer a 'No Caller ID'.

"Jesse, where the hell is my sister?" The person on the other side of the phone was whispering. I wasn't even sure who it was because it was so muffled.

"Who's this?" I ask, chilled that I might give out information to someone who I don't even know.

"Haha. Not only did you kidnap my sister, but you also kidnapped my boyfriend. What the hell, dude? Did you really bring them to New York?"

"Oh, Micaela. I did not kidnap anyone. They voluntarily went onto my plane. And also, Mom instructed me to take Maxine with me to New York."

"You're in contact with Mom? Where is she? And more importantly, why would she let you out of all people take Maxine?"

"Yes, yes. Mom is in Greece. She got married and is living there now and she didn't want Maxine alone in North Carolina. It's not like she can trust you. Aren't you dealing or something? And Diane is a bitch. We can all agree on that."

"Alright, fine. I understand why you have Max. But, why is my boyfriend also there? Are you holding him hostage?"

"I'm not a fucking criminal, you know? He just came with Max and it doesn't bother me that much. And apparently, Max's two sisters couldn't be bothered to accompany her, so Chase stepped up. What a nice catch, Micaela."

"So, what? They're just gonna live there with you? Max is graduating in less than 4 weeks, you know? She also has school on Monday. So you better get her home a day before."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll figure it out. Can you go away now? I'm driving here and your insufferable voice will cause me to swerve on the road." I end the call.

I don't know what I'm doing.

word count is 1235.

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