IX - Kairo & Edward

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I was sitting in the living room, staring at the digital fireplace right under the wall-mounted television when I heard a knock on the front door. I figured maybe someone else would get it since I probably don't know who it was, but Jesse was in his room doing whatever the hell, and Chase was in the bathroom. I think the maids have been dismissed since it was already around 9 pm.

I stood up and walked towards the door, "Who's there?" I ask.

"Woah, a girl in Jesse's apartment? Uh, hey, Miss. I'm Kai. Is, uh, Jesse around? He invited us for drinks tonight at a bar, but he didn't come. So we figured we would just come to his place."

"Yeah, he's in his room," I say as I open the door and see two guys. One had black hair and was probably around 6'0". While the other was a blonde. About the same height as Jesse which is 6'2.

"Come in," I say with a crooked smile. "Jesse! Your friends are here." I shout across the apartment.

"Hey, what's your name and how old are you? You look awfully young to be with a fossil like Jesse." The blonde guy asks.

"Excuse me?" I ask, looking at the man. "I'm Max. I'm Jesse's sister. I'm turning 18 in a few weeks."

The two men looked at me as if they just saw a ghost walk past them.

"Jesse has a sister? What the hell." The blonde guy looks at Kai.

"I have three, actually," Jesse says while walking towards the living room where all three of us were seated. "What's up, guys? I forgot about tonight. My bad."

"Yeah, we know you did. So we decided to just visit you. But it seems you already have a visitor, so we can leave now." The blonde guy states.

"I'm sure Maxine doesn't mind," Jesse says, turning his head to me.

"Oh, yeah. I don't mind. I'll just, uh, go back to my room or something." I say, standing up. But before I could even step away, Jesse grabbed my wrist and looked at me.

"You can stay." He says. His eyes looked like he wanted supervision. Like he needed to have someone else in the room. Like a chaperone or whatever.

I slowly sit back down and cross my legs on the couch. Still weirded out by the situation.

"Anyway, what drinks does everyone want?" Jesse asks, looking at each of us.

The blonde guy raises his hand, "I'll have a dry martini, as usual."

"Yeah, I'll have the same," Kai says. They all look at me like they also want me to drink with them.

"Oh, I'll have water."

"Come on, Max. Drink with us? What, are you just gonna sit and observe while we get wasted?" Jesse looks at me. The other two were just in their own worlds talking about whatever men talk about.

"Sorry, Jesse. I'm not drinking. I'm not even 21. Also, why are you letting this idiot," I point to Kai, "drink? Isn't he like 12 or something?" I state. Kai looked at me with an offended expression painted on his face.

"Woah, okay. First of all, I am turning 19 in a few months, thank you very much. And second, Jesse, if she doesn't want to drink, then she doesn't have to. Let's just chill. Let her be the adult supervision we will all clearly need."

"Alright, fine," Jesse gets up from the couch, "I'll get the drinks. In the mean time, you guys can get acquainted. Ya know, chit-chat?" He walks to the kitchen which is across the apartment.

We sit there in silence for a good 2 minutes until the blonde man opens his mouth.

"So, Jesse's sister, huh? I'm Edward, and I might just be the most handsome man you'll ever see."

"Oh, please. I bet your grandma's foot is more attractive that you. Over confident blondie."
I shift my gaze to the plant on the coffee table.

"She got you there, Edward," Kai laughs, "Anyway, I'd like to formally introduce both of us since Ed can't even talk properly around people right now."

I continue staring at the small plant. I honestly couldn't care who Jesse hangs out. I'm only here because I know how idiotic Jesse gets when he drinks even an ounce of liquor.

"I'm Kairo Watanabe. You can call me Kai. This is Edward Smith. Call him whatever you want. As I've said earlier, I am turning 19-years-old in a few months. And Edward is, I don't know, 40?," Kai looks at Edward.

"Alright, enough 'Kairo'. I'm only 23. What makes you think I'm 40? Do I have wrinkles? I told you I should've brought my skincare with me. We both know Jesse's skin is like a rhino's skin."

"Dude, I was just kidding. Holy. Anyway, I didn't go to college cause college sucks. However, Mr. Wrinkles here, is a college graduate. I don't know what he studied, though. I don't think he actually studied considering his mental age is 2."

"You know, you really shouldn't say that. Some people actually suffer from conditions causing them to seem like their mental age is below their actual age. Really insensitive, Kairo."
Edward states.

I let out a giggle. These two are actually so weird. I wonder how Jesse puts up with them.

"Alright, I got it. Kai is a 19-year-old college hater. Edward is a 23-year-old smart ass," I look at them for confirmation.

"That works, I guess." Kai responds.

"Quick question, though. Why are you young'uns hanging out with my old ass brother? Isn't he, like, actually 40?"

"Well, we both had a really hard time getting into the modeling industry. And Jesse helped us to the top. And since then, we've been his best mates."
Edward responds, smiling like a golden retriever that just got praised for doing the bare minimum.

"Huh, interesting. So what's up with your accent? You a brit or something?" I ask Edward. He had a not so faint British accent that literally anyone can hear.

"Why, yes, Child. I am a 'brit'. Aren't you? I can hear your accent from miles away."

"Yeah, whatever, Squidward,"
I roll my eyes. "I think I hear a Jesse."

"Hello, my children. Get acquainted yet?"
Jesse says, walking toward us with a half empty bottle of liquor and three glasses.

"Your sister is a savage, man. A bully, should I say." Edward states, looking at me with a stupid sad look on his face.

"Well, that's Maxine for you." Jesse says, laughing while handing out the glasses to Kai and Edward.

hello hello. new charactersssss ! ! !

word count is 1120.

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