XI - Sky Harbor

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6:12 AM Sky Harbor Private Aircraft Hangar

"Alright, my children. We're next to board, so get your asses on the plane." I say, looking at everyone. They were all half asleep sitting in my car.

I walk to the drivers seat, whispering something to my driver while looking at all of them at the backseat. I back up and cross my arms. I couldn't help but smirk. Until my driver pretty much punched the horn. I was startled, but laughed, looking at all of them flinching with shot up eyes.

"Did you hear what I said? Get on the plane before I blow a horn in your ears." I say as I open the backseat door, waiting for them to all get out.

"You're such a bitch, Jesse." Max argues, getting out of the car. And pulling Kai, Edward, and Chase out of the car with her.

"Thank you, Max." I say in a singy-songy voice.

I hear the speakers all over the hangar announce that we are able to board now. I grab all of them and run up the stairs that lead to the entrance of the plane. I push them all in one by one and get in last.

"Alright, my children. Now, I know that last time you all had a row all to yourselves," I say, looking at Max and Chase. "But there's five of us and I could only get two flight attendants to board with us, so sharing is indeed caring. Edward and Chase, your seats are on the last row, left side. And on the other side, Kai and Max. I'll be in the front if you need me. You four can share the one flight attendant since I don't like her."

I watch them all seat themselves, Edward and Chase immediately drifting to sleep. And Max and Kai chit-chatting. I sigh and seat myself in the front row.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Air Jesse, it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard flight C21 with service to New York city and continuing service to Sky Harbor Charlotte, North Carolina. All cellular telephones and other portable electronic devices, such as laptop computers, must be turned off and stowed for departure. Thank-you." The pilot announces through the speaker under the overhead compartments.

I look over to see Max and Kai still talking. I can't help but think that these two are hitting it off too well. I mean, I wouldn't mind if they were a thing. But, jeez. They just met last night. I roll my eyes and shift my gaze to the flight attendant.

"Good morning, Sir. My name is Leah. Would you like anything to drink or something to snack on?"

"Well, hello, Leah. I'd like this tall drink of water in front of me." I say, smirking.

The flight attendant chuckles, "My apologies, Sir. I am not on the menu. And I am married. Thank you, though." She says as she walks away.

I let out a sigh. I'm trying so hard not to look back at the two weirdos who are laughing at the back. Max giggling like a child. Kai isn't even funny. He's cringe. What could he possibly say that is making Max laugh like that.

I grab my phone from my pocket, tapping on the camera button. I raise my phone up, "Picture, guys. Gotta update my fans." I say loudly. Of course only Kai smiled. Max just rolled her eyes and gave a death stare. On the other hand, the two idiots on the opposite side of Max and Kai are sleeping. Edward having Chase on his shoulder, drooling on his favorite sweatshirt.

I click the photo button and I start to zoom into Chase and Max. I quickly sent it to my group message with my mom and Micaela. I start typing, "Look at this. Max and my friend Kai are being weird."

I quickly send it and post the unedited photo on my Instagram with the caption saying, "NY to NC with my children. @edward.smithofcl @chase.best.dealer.in.nc @kairo.tats @mubswumbslubs"

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