IV - Abducted

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"What? No! Why would you say that?" Mica cries out.

"What the fuck, Diane?" Chase looks at Diane with a disappointed expression on his face.

"I always thought I was a burden to your lives, our parents' lives, and especially Jesse's. But I told myself to not think so negatively about myself or anyone else. Do you have any idea when I started thinking that way about myself? When I was just six." I kept quiet for a while.

"This is the confirmation I didn't know I needed, I guess. Thanks for letting me know, Diane." I smile, then grab my bag.

"Where are you going, Em?" Chase asks me, worried. It's almost like Chase is my real sibling.

"I don't know. Probably to Jesse since we're both a bunch of troublemakers." I walk to the elevator.

"What kind of sister are you, Di?" Chase ran out and went into the elevator before it got the chance to close. "I'm coming with you, Em."

There was silence for a while. And of course, Chase had to break it.

"I don't understand your sisters, you know. They'd be lucky to have you. You're a good kid." Chase puts his arm on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"I don't understand them either. It's eye-opening, really. To finally know that Diane secretly hates me. That's two siblings down," I say, looking at my shoes to hide the fact that I'm a complete mess. "I always thought it would be Mica who hated me, but I thought wrong, I guess."

"Come on, Em. Mica could never hate you. Sure, she can be a handful. But if there was one thing I could say to describe her, It would be being so full of love. She's the kindest person I've ever known." He looks at the elevator doors, staring at our reflection.

We kept quiet for a while. I was just thinking about where I'll go when I leave this elevator. I watched as the doors opened while Chase stood in front of me.

"Well, would you look at that? My two favorite people in the world in one elevator. Well of course excluding Tom Hanks. But, anyway! Come with me."

I didn't even get to see who was talking to us. But based on his voice, that's Jesse Davidson, everyone.

We followed him to a limousine surrounded by other black cars. At this point, I couldn't see or think. I couldn't even believe this man was still alive. I always told myself that whoever leaves my life is dead. At least then they wouldn't have chosen to leave me. Anyway, before everything gets sad. We got into the limousine with the man I presumed was my brother.

"Chase, can you move so I can see the reason I went back to this horrid town?"

I felt Chase's hand grip my arm as a sign of safety. I slowly removed my hoodie and lifted my head to see Jesse.

"Hello, Maxine. The weather is quite nice today, isn't it? Anyway, did you miss me?"

I smirked, looking at his stupid face. He hasn't changed. And here I was thinking maybe he's not abducting me to torture me in his stupid New York flat.

"No, yeah. I missed you. You know what I missed the most about you?" I tilt my head to see if he answers with a sarcastic joke, "I missed how you were barely around when I was a kid. Just like Dad. You know, these days, I feel like you are Dad." I knew that was probably bad to say considering the horrid things my father did in the past. But, I wanted to see that stupid face of his turn into a frown.

He stared into my eyes, not making any expressions. There, I knew. I hit a nerve.

"I am nothing like your father, Maxine."

I laughed. Knowing his hatred towards our father, I just changed the subject, "What about you, Jesse? What did you miss about me? Or good old North Carolina."

Finally, a smile crept up his face.

"Starting with you. I miss the way you know how to ruin a nice conversation. And as for North Carolina," he stopped talking. His gaze shifted to Chase.

"Nice weather, right Chase?"

"Yeah. The atmosphere outside is warm and cozy. In here, it feels like I'm being frozen to death by your eyes."

"Funny. Quick question, though. Why are you with my little sister? Aren't you supposed to be hiding behind Micaela? You know, since you can't seem to live without her breathing down your neck and all."

"Now you're the funny one. I'm here because your other two sisters couldn't be bothered to keep Max company. And I would never trust anyone's life in your hands."

"Now why would you think that I'd do anything to harm little Maxine here? I'm just taking her with me to New York since our mother couldn't be bothered to come back from Greece."

Jesse was already looking at me when I turned my head from the window. He for sure knew that sentence would alarm me.

"Mom is in Greece?" I ask.

"Oh, did she not tell you? She's moving to Greece to get married. She emailed me about her plans a month ago and asked me to take you to New York. with me. Of course, at that time, I didn't know I had to take Chase as well." He smiled at Chase.

"She's getting married and living in Greece? How could she not have mentioned this to me? She left like two months ago."

"Yeah. By now, she's probably a Mrs. Greece. And don't worry, Chase. I'm completely fine with you in my home. I'll be away all the time anyway. I wouldn't want Maxine to rot in my home alone."

I couldn't muster up anything to say. She told me she was going to Japan for business. Not only did she lie to me about where she was going, but she also lied about what she was doing. Did she think I wouldn't want to know about my mother getting remarried? It's not like I wouldn't approve of her decision. I love her. If getting married again would make her happy, then it would have made me happy, too.


word count is 1063.

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