V - Are You Happy?

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8 hours later

"Em, wake up." Chase shook me, blinking constantly. It was already 5 pm. We were parked in a private airport Hangar somewhere in Nashville. It was only me and Chase in the limousine. I looked outside and saw Jesse talking to a man in a pilot uniform. They were stood next to a large Jet plane. A few men were also putting baggage into a compartment.

Then I realized, my bag wasn't with me.

"Where is my bag, Chase?" I looked around the limo, searching for my bag.

"I don't know, Em. We were both sleeping. Maybe Jesse took it or something."

I let out a deep sigh, opening the door.

"Where the fuck is my bag?" I ran towards Jesse. He looked back at me with a confused look.

Before I could even put my hands on him, Chase grabbed me. He probably knew I was gonna beat the shit out of this Catwalk boy. Whatever. It was probably better to conserve my energy for when I kill him in his sleep.

"Woah-woah-woah. Calm down, dude. Your bag is in the Jet. Jesus. What could be so important in that fake North Face bag of yours?" He laughs, looking back at the pilot who was also laughing. I don't understand rich people's humor.

"Anyway, it's good you two got your beauty sleep. Because this plane ride is gonna be rough."

"Yes. Hello Ms. Davidson, and Mr. Wheeler. I will be your pilot for tonight. You may know through the news, that Nashville has been pouring a lot during the nighttime, and I have done my best to convince Mr. Davidson to fly to New York tomorrow morning, but it seems he is in a hurry to get his little sister home." The pilot follows Jesse's statement, looking at me and then Chase.

I didn't even bother to listen to this pilot man. I ran up the stairs connected to the Jet Plane, sitting on the very back lane of chairs next to the window.

"She seems very eager to get through this. Are you sure she wants to leave, Mr. Davidson?" The pilot looks at Jesse.

"Well, she's not happy about me existing. So, yeah. She probably just wants to go home."

Chase looks at Jesse, squinting his eyes in suspicion. "Wait, hold on. I'm sure she's glad you're back in her life. But, what she's not happy about is the fact that her mom abandoned her and is letting her get abducted by you."

"Oh, Chase. Get in the fucking plane, you handsome son of a bitch," Jesse laughs, pushing Chase up the stairs while smiling at the pilot.

"What in the fuck, dude? I'm not abducting her. Our mom instructed me to take her to New York with me. Plus, where else would she go? She was clearly running away from the two other idiots of North Carolina," Jesse continues pushing Chase into the plane.

"Hands off, dude. I don't need you pushing me around." Chase sits on the chairs on the other side of the plane while Jesse sits in the very middle of the plane, talking to a flight attendant.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 1C9 from Nashville to New York. We are currently first in line for take-off and expect to be in the air in approximately three minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts. Seats and table trays should be in the upright position. Turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited during the flight. Thank you and enjoy your flight." The pilot from earlier announces through the plane speakers.

"This is gonna be a 3-hour non-stop flight so you guys can catch up on more beauty sleep or eat. There are three flight attendants onboard so we have one each. Don't bother me, 'cause I need beauty sleep." Jesse shouts from his seat.

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