III - Jesse

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My tears started to fall again. Like always. In just a second, everything was slowed down. My tears, my heartbeat, and the blood running through my veins. It felt like I was in a movie.

I woke up. I woke up as a doctor. Bright light glares in my eyes. As I've come to my senses, I hear a man and a woman weeping while hiding a newborn baby. Next to them, there were two little girls and a boy. A tear dropped from his eye. That image made me tear up as well. He was hugging the two little girls I presume are his little sisters. It was difficult to see, but I soon realized I was watching my family. If you can even call it one.

The man quickly glared at the children and shouted.

"What are you brats waiting for? Greet your baby sister!"

The three children stoop up slowly, clearly hesitating. Walking towards the hospital bed, they all looked at the baby's eyes.

"There it is." The boy thought, "There she is, the girl who will ruin me." Tears fell on the sheets.

"God damn it! You little shit! Do you know how much the hospital bill costs? And now we need extra sheets. Brat! Money doesn't grow on trees. Go to the lobby before I give you a reason to cry."

The boy held his tears back as he held his sisters' hands and hurried to the lobby.

As his little sisters fall asleep on his lap, he whispers to them, "I'll get us out of this hellhole. I promise you."

"Jesse? Do you think Dad hates us?" One of the two little girls looked up at the boy with tears forming in her eyes.

"No. I'm sure he loves us. He just doesn't know how to show it."

I fell into a hole, a hole that I could never escape. A hellhole. It's eating me up like a five-course meal.

Guess what?

I'm fed up.


word count is 348.

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