9. The Confessions

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Jack turned the corner, and there I stood, still processing everything I'd overheard. As he walked up to me, I debated whether I should confront him. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't hold back any longer.

Before he could continue with his conversation, I blurted out, "Do you like me, Jack?" My heart raced, and I tried to gauge his reaction, hoping for an honest answer.

Jack gazed into my eyes, his silence filled with tension. He finally broke the silence, "How much of that conversation did you hear?"

With a racing heart, I admitted the truth, "All of it."

His frown deepened, clearly not anticipating that I'd overheard their discussion. But I needed an answer to my question.

"Please answer my question," I urged, my voice shaky with anticipation.

Jack's eyes bore into mine, and he took my hand. My heart did somersaults in my chest as he said, "I'm in love with you, Ruby."

I took a deep breath, the emotions swirling within me. The temptation was undeniable, but the reality of our roles in the drama club loomed over us.

"Jack... I like you too, but cast and crew don't mix," I whispered, echoing the warning Magnolia had repeated so often. We hesitated and leaned in for another kiss, but our better judgment prevailed, and we pulled away just as Mrs. Lakely called the cast to the stage.

As Jack rushed off, I replayed the moment in my mind. My cheeks flushed, and my heart yearned for something that seemed impossible. I wanted to be with Jack, especially given how genuinely kind and attentive he was, but it was an undeniable truth—I couldn't if I remained on the crew.

As the days went by, the tension kept building up in the drama club. Rehearsals and prop preparations seemed never-ending. The show's approaching date was like a looming storm, casting a dark cloud over everyone involved. Elsie, our leading actress, became more demanding, expecting nothing less than perfection. 

Magnolia's rule of "no mixing cast and crew" added an extra layer of complexity to the situation. Caught in the middle, Jack faced the challenge of balancing his growing feelings for me with his responsibilities to the play.

Even with all the mounting stress, Jack and I continued running lines together. We tried to hide our emotions and keep things professional, but it was getting harder each day. I longed to express how I felt, but Magnolia's words haunted my thoughts, making it difficult to act on my emotions.

March 26th, just a week before the big show, held an unusual mix of excitement and nervousness. My mom surprised me; she'd been trying harder, actively looking for a job. Even more shocking was her promise to quit smoking, something I'd been pushing for a while.

"I've got some promising leads," she said with a determined gleam in her eyes. "And no more cigarettes, I promise."

It was a glimmer of hope, a sign of better days ahead for us. I felt a surge of relief and happiness. Maybe things were starting to change for the better.

I was flipping through a book when Magnolia knocked softly on my door. I could tell she had something important to say by the way she fidgeted in the doorway.

"Hey, Ruby. Can we talk?" she asked, sounding a bit unsure.

"Sure thing, come on in," I replied, setting the book aside, curious about what was going on.

She perched on the edge of my bed, looking a little uneasy. "I wanted to apologize... for being so strict about the whole 'cast and crew' thing. I've been thinking, and I guess I've been a bit too much."

"It's okay, Magnolia. You were just trying to keep things in line for the drama club," I reassured her.

She let out a sigh. "I used to be more... relaxed about these things. But during show season, there's so much pressure, and I guess I got a bit too uptight about it all, with our lead being so...wound up, it's hard for me to be...my normal self, I guess."

I nodded, understanding a bit better now. "I get it. It's a pretty intense time."

"Yeah, but I've been thinking. Maybe it's time to get back to my old self, you know? The one who was a bit more laid-back," she explained, sounding a touch uncertain.

I grinned, aiming to comfort her. "You should! I miss when you'd rock that heavy eyeliner and your whole gothic vibe. Lately, you haven't been your expressive self."

Her face softened into a grin. "I know, mornings have been a whirlwind, and I've been slacking."She glanced down, a smile lingering on her lips.

"Honestly, being stage manager, constantly directing... it's tiring. I wish I could be backstage setting up props with you instead of perched next to Mrs. Lakely all rehearsal. I mean, I adore her, but she's so unprepared."

I chuckled. "That's just her way. Have you noticed how she often messes up my name?"

"Absolutely," she agreed, a laugh escaping her. "She used to mix up mine too, Madison, Melissa, you name it."

"And she once called me Rhubarb!" I laughed, seeing a spark of joy in Magnolia's eyes.

"Even though you're a bit of a goof, you're still the same old Ruby I've known for years."

Magnolia sighed and glanced at my wall.

"So, about relationships mixing... I'm totally on board with whatever you decide, even if it's cast and crew stuff. I've got your back," she said, looking more at ease than earlier.

A smirk formed on my lips. "Is this about Jack?"

"Don't think I haven't noticed you!" She smiled, and we ended up discussing things we'd never shared before. It felt like a fresh chapter in our friendship, one I was genuinely grateful for.

That evening, we built a colossal blanket fort in my room, just like old times. Sleepovers at my place were an easy thing since my mom was usually passed out on the couch or somewhere else. As the night grew late, we nestled snugly under the covers within our fortress of blankets.

"So, you two have almost kissed twice?!" Magnolia's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned closer, her flashlight lighting up her face. 

"Yeah," I admitted, pulling the blanket closer around us. "But I don't think it's ever going to happen."

"Oh, it will," she assured me confidently. "Elsie's going to be eating her heart out when she realizes Jack likes you, not her."

"I don't think Elsie really likes him," I mused. "She just wants him for the show."

Magnolia sighed. "She's been acting like such a dumb blonde lately, trying to win Jack over. She used to be so much smarter, but now she's just a spoiled brat, and it's getting on my nerves."I chuckled at her candidness. With the conversation done, we both laughed and snuggled back into the warmth of our makeshift fort, drifting off to sleep.

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