child i will hurt you

1.1K 27 11

age: 17
word count: 1,2k
I hate men, that's all I have to say

Natasha's POV

The darkness of the night meets me as I'm being ripped out of my sleep from a sound that rings in my ears. With a groan I roll over to reach for my phone, glancing at the clock in the process, 2:13am.

"Y/n, it's 2 in the fucking morning, what-" I tiredly mumble down the line, pinching the bridge of my nose with the thumb and pointer finger of my free hand

"Mom" she cuts me off "M-Mom, I'm scared" her voice is a hushed whisper, fear evident, instantly washing all sleep off me.

"Y/n, what's going on? Where are you? Are you okay?" I ask, my voice growing in volume, an uncomfortable feeling settling in my bones. "He's following me. Mom, he's- he's following me" she stutters, the sound of fast steps echoing down the phone. "Who's following you? Where are you?" I question, jumping out of bed. "I walked in a circle mom, he's following me" she panics "Y/n, baby, where are you?" I repeat. I slip on a pair of sweatpants and throw a sweater over my head, already rushing down the stairs of our apartment as she answers "I just went to t-the gas station, I just wanted a sack, I just- I just"

"The station a couple blocks down?" I ask, needing further confirmation


"Okay, Alright, I'm coming"

"Mom, mom, I'm scared"

"Y/n, sweetheart, listen to me, I'll be there shortly, hold on for me, nothing is going to happen to you, everything will be okay, I'm coming" I try to calm her as I sprint to the car. "He's getting faster, Oh God, Mom he's getting faster" she exclaims in horror, her voice shaking with every word. "Y/n, I need you to stay calm, pick up your speed but do not run. As long as he isn't running, you aren't either." I say, slamming the door shut and starting the car

I can't even imagine what's going through her head right now, yes, she has basic self defence training, but that doesn't change the fact that this is absolutely horrifying.

"Mama, Mama help me, please" she hushes down the line. "I'll be right there, I promise, everything will be alright"

"He's still there, he's still there, Mom please"

"Y/n, where is he? How much distance do you have?"

"I don't know- I don't know, Mom, Mommy please" she begs, even through the phone I can sence the tears threatening to fall, her voice breaks, I can hear it even though she speaks as quiet as she possibly can in this situation. "Y/n, concentrate" I instruct softly, probably breaking every speed limit known to human kind right now. "U-Uh something about 50 yards or something, I'm not sure, I'm not sure Mom" she speaks "Okay, okay, that's good, try to keep that distance, okay? Just keep on walking, I'll be right there, everything will be fine"

" 'M scared, 'm scared" she repeats like a prayer

"Is there a store near you, or a bar, or anything with people?" I ask, hoping that maybe she could flee into a public space. "N-No, here's nothing, you know that" she says "Okay, alright, I'll be there in two minutes, hold on, it's gonna be okay" I tell her, trying to not let my own panic show, that would only make the situation worse for her, I need to keep her as calm as possible.

"Mommy he's getting closer, please hurry, please hurry, please" she panics, she sounds of panicked ruffling in the background

"It's okay, It's okay, I'm right around the corner" I tell her "If I round it we can see each other". And just like that I have a visual on my daughter walking, rather jogging down the street with a black clothed person following right behind. "You see the car, that's me, I'm here now, everything is okay"

As I pull up by her side I open the door quickly from the inside so that she can jump in on the passengers side. When she does so I directly lock the doors behind her and she falls into my arms. "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here" I whisper, pulling her into a side hug but keeping my eyes on the stranger on the road. "Y/n, should I-" "No! No!" she cuts me off "Stay! Stay here!" and as much as I want to go after that man right now, I need to be here for my daughter, she's the priority and that man is a task for another day.

I watch as the person turns around and changes direction after a couple seconds which only makes it more obvious that he's been following y/n.

"It's okay, it's okay, sweetheart" I whispers, stroking the side of my daughter's head "You're safe, I'm here"


Y/n is currently sitting on the couch while I'm in the connected kitchen getting her a glass of water.

I return with it and settle close to y/n on the cushions. Every fibre of my daughter's body is shaking and she isn't talking, which definitely is not a good sign. "Take this" I whisper handing her the glass of water, she shivers as she drowns the liquid. "Are you cold?" I question gently and she gives me a quick nod "Okay, should I make you a tea?" I ask, she desperately shakes her head to that, grabbing after my hand, or arm, or anything she could probably reach, clinging onto it for dear life. "Alright, alright, I won't leave" I tell her "Here, take this" I say while taking a fluffy blanket and putting it over her shoulders so that she hopefully stays a little warmer.

As I sit down she practically crashes into my side, her fingers fisting into the fabric of my shirt. "It's okay, it's alright, sweetheart" I whisper "You're safe".

I shuffle further on the couch and wrap my arms around her tightly, rocking us slightly from side to side. This was always something that calmed her so I hope it will help her now, too.

Minutes in silence pass and I wonder what's been going on in her head, I mean I can imagine but I don't think it's entirely favourable for her to calm down. "Should I put on a show, sweetheart?" I ask softly, my hand reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear "Criminal Minds?" she suggests quietly and I frown slightly "Do you think that's a good idea?"


"Okay, alright" I say and snatch the remote from the coffee table. The TV flickers to life and the second I pressed 'play' y/n started to further and further relax into my side.

"I'm sorry for going out" she hushes, guilt evident in her voice "No" I say, searching for her eyes "You have nothing to be sorry for, this was not your fault" she shies away from the eye contact and I give her a comforting squeeze "You did nothing wrong, I love you, sweetheart"

"Okay, I love you, too" she whispers before curling into my side even more.

I pick the bear☺️

Natasha Romanoff x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now