CHAPTER 13 - Resonance Of Crimson Threads

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Continuation of Chapter 12: RIPPLES OF FATE


A soft knock echoed through the halls of Professor Magnolia's laboratory, prompting Sonia, the professor's diligent assistant, to answer the door. To her surprise, a vibrant woman with crimson hair, matching the shade of Azalea's, and eyes as green as the lush Pokémon-filled landscapes, stood before her. Aella, the visitor, exuded palpable excitement and happiness.

"Hey Soni, how are you?" Aella greeted with infectious enthusiasm. Sonia, recognizing the affectionate nickname, realized that this wasn't Azalea, but rather an old friend from her childhood. Chuckling softly, Sonia gestured for Aella to enter. "It's been such a long time, Aella! How have you been? Please, come in!"

Aella expressed her gratitude and took a few steps into the familiar laboratory. The surroundings triggered a flood of nostalgic memories, prompting her to exhale with a mixture of sentiment and joy. "This brings me back," she remarked. Locking eyes with Sonia, Aella inquired, "So, how's the old woman doing lately?"

Sonia, caught off guard by the bold description of Professor Magnolia, was about to respond when the professor herself made a grand entrance, descending the staircase from the second floor. A hearty laugh accompanied her playful remark, "Still calling me an old woman as usual, huh?" Professor Magnolia's gaze shifted between the two young women, her seasoned eyes twinkling with amusement.

Addressing Sonia, she requested, "Sonia, could you prepare us some tea, please?" With a nod, Sonia gladly left the grandmother and Aella alone, allowing the atmosphere to settle into the warmth of rekindled friendships and the promise of shared memories.


Eclipse, Charles, and Azalea all shared a nervous glance, their unease palpable. The battle between Solar and Bea had only just begun, yet it already looked grim for Solar. He had his Mudkip out, while Bea deployed her powerful Hawlucha. It wasn't just the type advantage; it was the brutal intensity of the battle that unnerved the trio. Azalea was on the verge of ending her video recording, fearing for Solar's well-being when Bea's voice cut through the air with anger.

"If that's really the best you can do, newbie, then I don't think you know what it means to be a Pokémon trainer. I suggest you might as well give up."

Solar's eyes widened in shock, leaving him stunned and unable to focus on the battle. It was only the announcement from the drone Rotom that snapped him out of his stupor.

"The winner of this battle is Bea!"

A chilling tension radiated from Charles, Eclipse, and Azalea. The spectators seated near them felt a shiver run down their spines, sensing the intense and angry aura exuding from the trio. Some of the audience members even held their breath, overwhelmed by the palpable and terrifying atmosphere.

Eclipse and Charles watched Solar as he called out for Mudkip. For Azalea, her main focus was on Bea, who was exiting the battlefield. An internal voice attempted to calm her down.

Calm down, Azalea. Maybe that gym leader had a rough morning. There's no need for you to get all worked up like this.

Azalea was about to heed her internal voice's advice, but then she remembered a conversation they had back at Solar and Eclipse's parents' house. It was something their parents had said that made Azalea resist her internal voice.

"And now that our son is traveling alongside you, we ask you to take good care of our son and teach him many things about Pokémon."

Charles watched as Azalea left the sidelines. Her furrowed eyebrows indicated she wouldn't go to comfort Solar but to talk to Bea instead. He placed his hand on Eclipse's shoulder, trying to keep his tone from sounding angry but failing. "Come on, let's go see your brother."

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