CHAPTER 16 - The Purification Quest

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Continuation of Chapter 15 - THE SHADOWS OF SINNOH


Solar, Eclipse, and Cynthia made their way to Eterna Forest, determined to find the purification herbs. Solar released his Eevee and Mudkip from their Pokéballs, crouching down to speak to them. "Can you two help us find some herbs?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

Eevee and Mudkip chirped happily and began searching alongside Solar, Eclipse, and Cynthia. Cynthia hummed softly, placing a thoughtful hand on her chin. "The herbs are said to grow near ancient trees," she mused.

Eclipse crossed her arms, scanning the surrounding trees. "That should make them easier to find, I hope."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Solar felt a shiver run down his spine. He glanced nervously at Cynthia. "Cynthia, are there any Pokémon we should watch out for in Eterna Forest?"

Cynthia examined the trees, searching for any that matched the descriptions in the records. "There are many Pokémon here, but most of them shouldn't cause us any trouble," she reassured him.

Solar sighed, scratching the back of his head as he stayed close to Eevee and Mudkip. "I guess that's a little comforting."

After what felt like hours of searching, Eevee and Mudkip suddenly made excited noises. Solar rushed over. "Did you find something?"

Eevee pawed at an herb, trying to pull it from the ground. But before Solar could help, a Murkrow and a Misdreavus swooped down, clearly agitated by the disturbance.

Eclipse gasped, pulling Solar behind her. "Stay back!" she warned, her protective instincts kicking in.

Cynthia stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "Murkrow, Misdreavus, we don't mean any harm. We're just looking for these herbs to help protect everyone." She reached for a Pokéball, ready to defend her companions if necessary.

The wild Pokémon hesitated, eyeing Cynthia warily. Sensing their unease, Cynthia released her Garchomp, who growled softly but remained non-threatening. "We just need a few herbs, then we'll be on our way," Cynthia said calmly.

Eevee and Mudkip, sensing the tension, stood by Solar's side, ready to act if needed. Solar felt his heart race but took a deep breath, trusting Cynthia to handle the situation.

After a tense moment, Murkrow and Misdreavus seemed to relax, their aggressive stances softening. Cynthia nodded to Garchomp, who gently nudged the herbs towards Solar and his Pokémon.

Eclipse exhaled in relief. "Let's gather what we need and get out of here," she suggested.

With the herbs in hand, the group quickly but carefully made their way back out of the forest, grateful for the cooperation of the wild Pokémon. Solar, still a bit shaken, felt a surge of determination. They were one step closer to protecting Sinnoh from the looming threats.

Now that they had the purification herbs, it was time to acquire the ancient chants from Eterna City to the east. As they entered the city, Solar and Eclipse were awestruck by its grandeur, especially the enormous statue dominating the center.

Solar rushed toward the statue, his Eevee and Mudkip scampering behind him. "Wow, what a big statue!" he exclaimed, as his Pokémon playfully nudged it.

Cynthia and Eclipse joined him. Cynthia pointed at the statue and explained, "This statue depicts Palkia and Dialga, created by Arceus. Dialga controls time, while Palkia controls space."

Eclipse's eyes widened with amazement. "Incredible!"

Solar, still mesmerized, turned to Cynthia and Eclipse. "So, where can we find the ancient chants in this city?"

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