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When I woke up this morning, I promised myself that I would not cry because of anyone.
Sunday mornings are usually slower than other days of the week. My phone rang and I picked it up instantly.
"Hello Sarah"
"Mom, how are you? I have been calling you for the last 2 days," I said.
"Yeah I was a little busy, I want to tell you something," she said.
"What's wrong Mom", anxiety started.
"They are engaged" she said in a lower tone.
I processed what she'd said, I knew she was talking about my ex-boyfriend and friend.
"How do you know," I asked.
"They came to me and asked your number for an invitation," she said.
"Did you give them?" I asked again.
"Yes, they were insisting on me so much."
"Okay, I will talk to you later". I hung up.
My heart did not hurt, but I felt a little pain.
Suddenly, I saw my bedroom door open and Michael and Ronan were standing there.
I couldn't process what was happening.
"He wanted to talk to you," Micheal said.
"No, but I don't" I replied.
Micheal raised his eyebrows at me and then squeezed them like he was pleading with me to listen to Ronan. But I ignored him.
"I know this is your apartment, but you can't enter here whenever you want," I said in anger.
"Listen to me Sarah," Ronan said.
"What?" I replied in frustration.
"Sarah, he's guilty, talk to him," Micheal said in a dominating tone.
I calmed down a little. I didn't know why I obeyed his every word.
"Sarah, I am sorry, and trust me, I felt terrible after I shouted at you.I was angry at him, not you," Ronan said.
"Good now go back to your room." Micheal gestured towards Ronan.
When I saw him disappear from the room, I looked up at Micheal.
He looked at me, then he raised one eyebrow at me and smiled.
"This is not funny, you forced him," I said.
"No I did not" he replied.
"Stop lying" I retorted.
"Tell me, How are you? And I am sorry too. Could you hug me pleeease? My heart is hurting too. Someone screamed at me last night, and they threw me out of their room."
He said playfully and made a crying face.
I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not funny."
He sat next to me and said" I have missed you so much, and I am sorry. I will make sure it never happens again."

She was listening to me, but she wasn't there with me. I felt she was thinking about something.
"Hey, what happened?" I asked her.
"Nothing, you can go now, I am not mad at you," she said.
"So tell me what is bothering you," I said.
"Nothing, I just want space from everyone" she replied and bit her bottom lip like she was hiding something and if I looked into her eye she would cry.
I lifted her chin and she immediately hugged me and started crying "They are engaged, maybe I was the problem." I immediately kissed her temple and rubbed her back. I picked up her hand and kissed it.
And cup her face with my hand.
"You need to slow down and be gentle with yourself. You've been dealing with so much for so long, and you need to give yourself some time to do nothing. I hope someday you see yourself the way I see you because you are the strongest person I know and deserve the most beautiful life." I said as I kissed her, she kissed me back with teary eyes.
"You didn't tell me, did she ever came home to see you." She changed the subject quickly.
We hugged each other tightly, her head resting on my chest. I loved this feeling when she was around me. I acted differently. I like to take care of her like she's mine.
I slid my hand into her soft hair. " She came one day, and I was so happy that she came for me. I thought she would take me with her. I didn't have to deal with my dad, though he wasn't hurting me. I knew he wasn't a good man. When I saw her, she looked different, she was pale and weak, and they were fighting again, but for money. She came all the way there just for money, not me. She didn't even look at me. I was standing and poking her hand. "Mom please, I want to live with you."
My dad shouted at me and said "Micheal, don't you understand she is only here for money, she doesn't want you, I want you. I want to give you everything, and she has nothing to offer you, not even motherhood."
I was crying and continuously poking her, and then she got irritated and slapped me in the face,
My dad suddenly lost his temper he pulled out a gun and shot her in the head, her body collapsed on the ground next to me, and she was struggling to breathe. I stood there still, my heart stopped beating, and my dad panicked when he saw what he had done. He wasn't in his senses. He picked up the gun again and saw me with mixed emotions. I could see his pain and his regret through his eyes. He shot himself in the head. And collapsed next to her body. "Sarah, their dead bodies were next to me. I saw them dying. I saw them taking their last breath. And I couldn't do anything except cry."

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