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Chapter Thirteen

Later that day, after we had finished our pancakes and went to Chris's place to get him some clean clothes, we drove back to the hospital to see mum.

Chris and I walked into room 512 and saw that mum wasn't there.

"Hi we're looking for Rebecca Collins?" I asked the receptionist.

"Are you family?" she asked.

"Yes I'm her daughter and this is my fiancée"

"Alright she's upstairs in room 627"

"Thank you so much" I smiled sweetly.

Chris lit up when I called him my fiancée even though he knew that we weren't engaged. I only said he was my fiancée so that he could come in to see mum and I knew how much he wanted to see her.

"Well played" he smirked.

"Thanks love" I laughed.

We reached room 627 and Dr. Phillips was standing outside of the room as if he had been waiting for us.

"Hello Miss Collins. Mr. Garrett. I have some bad news about your mother I'm afraid"

"What happened? Is she alright?" Chris asked concerned. He cared for her so much and I loved him for it.

"Well she was doing really well yesterday but last night, she slipped into a coma"

The tears started pouring from my eyes and Chris held me trying to hold back his own tears.

"Is she going to wake up?" Chris asked slightly angered.

"Well we aren't sure at this point Mr. Garrett"

"Can we go in and see her?" I asked weepily.

"Of course"

"Thank you so much Dr. Phillips" Chris said as we walked into the room.

As soon as we stepped in, Chris's grip on me tightened and I felt one of his tears fall onto my shoulder. I turned and wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my head in his chest.

Chris and I were standing in room 627 holding each other close as we stared in disbelief at my mother.

Her skin was pale and she looked like someone had drained all of the life out of her.
Seeing her in this state made my heart swell.

I didn't want to think about having to deal with this when Chris left.

After about two hours of sitting in the room waiting to see if she would wake, Chris and I decided to head home.

I had reached the house and was walking into the living room when I collapsed in a fit of tears and sobs.

"Baby are you alright?" Chris asked when he walked in and saw me curled up on the floor.

"No....I''" I said in between sobs.

He sat down behind me and pulled me into his arms rocking me back and forth as I cried.

"I know it sucks baby doll. I know. But you're just like her. Strong and brave. She's going to get through this and so are you. I know it's going to be awful while I'm gone but everything gets worse before it gets better" he placed a delicate kiss on my forehead.

" are going off to......the army and you could die!! And mum could die too!! I...I...can't lose two of the most important people in my life"

"Shhhh I know honey I know. But while I'm gone, you will have Lena and Kara and Addison as well! Addison will love you I know it" he comforted "and you and I are going to write those letters to each other remember? And Skype every night okay? I promised I'd come back for you and I don't plan on breakin that promise"

"But what if the universe breaks that promise? You can't promise anything in the army. Anything."

"Yes you can. I promised my buddy that I would get him out of the plane. And I promised Addie I would always come back. I promised my mum and dad I would stay here and take care of you and Addison. And look how those turned out. I got him out of the plane, I always came back for Addison, and I am not going to let the most important promise crumble alright?" he said tears filling his beautiful eyes.

"Alright" I muttered.

"I love you so much and you know that. I'll always come back for you" he soothed.

"I love you too" I said. He kissed me on the top of my head and continued rocking me back and forth.

"C'mere" he scooped me up in the his strong arms and carried me to the couch. He sat down with his back against the arms of the couch and sat me so that both of his legs were on either side of me and my side was resting on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered soothing words into my ear.

After I calmed down, he flicked on the TV and we watched Beauty and the Beast.

Once that was finished we continued to watch old Disney films until I could no longer keep my eyes open and drifted into a deep sleep.

And then, another nightmare.

I was standing among the soldiers in the army but I wasn't fighting. It was like I was just there to watch something happen.

My beautiful Lieutenant Garrett appeared and was calling out orders to the troops.

And then it happened.


And he fell to the ground.
Hey readers!

Sorry about what I did to Rebecca, I was low on imagination yesterday :p
How do you think Nicole is gonna take care of her Mum without Chris???
I love hearing predictions about the story so keep commenting and voting!

Happy Reading!!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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