Wedding Bells

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Picture of Nicole's dress above!! It's so gorgeous!! Anyways, Enjoy!
Chapter Forty-Four
Wedding Bells

It was the night before Chris, Addison, Ryan and I were going to go to the Cayman Islands. We had gone to see the guys once since our first visit last week and Chris thought that it would be a good idea to ask them to watch Jasper while we were gone.

I was finishing packing my bags and I was starting to pack a bag for Jasper as well when Chris came into the room.

"How was the movie?" I asked.

"Don't EVER watch Percy Jackson. Especially since we both read the books. It was awful. Totally far-fetched from the books. Ugh" he said sounding flustered.

He came over and kissed my cheek.

"Did you just use the expression 'far-fetched'?" I laughed somewhat quietly.

"Yeah. That's how bad it was" he chuckled against my temple.

"Yikes. Well how about you start packing to help get your mind off it?" I suggested slyly kicking his suitcase over to him.

"Well played Collins. Well played" he chuckled.

"I don't know what to pack" he whined.

"Chris, you're a big boy. Why can't you pack for yourself?"

"Because you're better at it than me"

I sighed and walked over to his dresser. I threw him three big shirts and two pairs of pajama pants. "Pajamas" I said. I walked into the closet that we now shared and grabbed six shirts. Two Hollister ones, four button-downs and an American Eagle one along with a few pairs of cargo and basketball shorts.

"There. All done" I joked.

"Thanks honey" he said kissing my cheek. Jasper barked from my feet; interrupting our moment. We both laughed and I bent down and kissed his nose. Jas and I let out a yawn at the same time and I decided to call it a night. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

"Chris honey" I called.


"Jas and I are gonna head off to bed"

"Okay I'll be there in a sec! Just grabbing some water. Want some?"

"Please and thank you"

I stripped into my bra and panties, threw on one of Chris's shirts and crawled into bed. I patted the spot next to me and since Jasper was about two months old, it was alright for him to climb up onto the bed. He was growing like a weed. When we got him about a month ago, he was probably nine inches long and barely five inches tall. Now, he was a foot and a half long and a foot tall. He was my big boy. I knew he would get big, but I didn't expect him to be growing this fast.

I was playing with Jasper on my stomach when Chris walked in. He handed me my water and layed down next to me.

"Thanks" I said taking a sip. I didn't realize how thirsty I was.

He reached his arm over me and pulled me to his chest. Jasper jumped off of me and licked his daddy's face.

"Okay Jas. Okay. I love you too. Now come lie down" Chris said through his laughter. He patted the bed cover in between our legs and Jasper lied down. That was his usual spot.

I cuddled into Chris's chest and he kissed the top of my head.

"Nicole baby"


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