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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I woke up the next morning still lying next to Chris as I had expected. But, one thing was there this morning that wasn't there last night, or yesterday for the matter.

I looked on the bedside table to find a note, left from Ryan and Addison.

Chris and Nicole,

Tonight, we have decided that the four of us are going to go on a double date. This may be news to you or it may not be but, the two of us have pretty large feelings for each other. Although, with the army and everything that is going on in our lives, we haven't actually been on a legitimate date yet. Which is what we are planning to do today. And what better way to go on a first date than with two people whom we love dearly. Don't worry we will take care of everything. From reservations to outfits, we will handle everything. And besides, Chris needs to be on his best behaviour if he wants to be let out for dinner tonight. The nurses have been keeping a sharp eye on him. So stay here and simply relax while we take care of every detail.

Addison and Ryan xo

By the time I had finished reading the letter, Chris had already woken up. He was attempting to lean over my shoulder to read the letter, but before he could hurt himself, I handed him the letter.

"You're gonna have to stop moving around so much if you want your shoulder to heal properly" I smirked.

"Well how can I when all I want to do is cuddle you?" he laughed.

"Just a few weeks and then I'm all yours" I grinned.

"Oh I guess that's do-able" he winked.

I gave him a quick kiss before deciding to head out for something to eat.

"What's for breakfast honey?" I asked him.

"Pancakes!" he smiled like a kid on Christmas.

"Comin' right up. Just hang in there for ten minutes alright?"

"Okay" he laughed.

I grabbed my purse and walked through the hospital, making my way towards the elevators. I pressed the button to take me to the ground floor and I slowly began to feel the elevator move. I stepped out once I had reached the ground floor and walked toward the parking lot. Realizing that Ryan and Addison had taken the rental, I saw that McDonald's wasn't too far away. I started to walk towards it when I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. As I braced myself to be smacked by the pavement, I was brought back up to my feet.

"Thanks" I said instantly, my cheeks becoming slightly red.

"No problem baby"

Jay's voice.

"What are you doing here?" I spat.

"Trying to get my baby back to me" he replied nonchalantly.

"Well, it's too late for that! I've told you this a thousand times Jay. You lost me for good the second you decided to sleep with Lexi because a cheater always cheats and never changes. Why don't you get that?!"

"Because I love you Nicole. I always have. I know I was stupid, but haven't you ever made a mistake? I screwed up, I know. But I am willing to change if you will just give me a chance" he said taking my hand in his.

I instantly pulled my hand away and slapped him.

"How about a taste of your own medicine" I said venomously.

"You treated me so wrong Jay. So wrong. You hurt me! Physically and mentally. I had to make up reasons why I would come home with bruises on my arms and handprints on my cheeks! I hated lying to my own mother and you weren't worth the guilt of it. When you slept with Lexi, that was the tipping point where I just couldn't look past everything you had done and forgive you. I found a new courage to stand my ground and do what was best for me. Not you. You said you would change numerous times but you never did. Now leave me alone" I spat.

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