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Chapter Seventeen

I couldn't believe it. Lena and Kara were both leaving and Chris was already gone. Mum was is the hospital in a coma and dad was god knows where.

I didn't know what to do.

"You guys are actually leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah" they muttered.


"Uhhh" Kara scratched the back of her head "tomorrow"

I had no words. None. My best friends were leaving for school on different continents and they didn't bother to tell me?!?!

"Why didn't you guys tell me?!" I demanded.

"Well we knew that you wanted to spend all of your time with Chris know. And we didn't know how! So we figured that it would be easier to tell you and not have to see your reaction to it" Kara said, her eyes welling with tears.

"Well at least if you would've said something earlier, we would've been able to spend some extra girl time together. Instead, I've been totally oblivious and you guys have been avoiding me!!" I screamed. I was upset.

"We know. It was a really stupid move and we regret it now. We're sorry" Lena said occasionally looking over at Kara.

"I think we should go Lena" Kara said.

"Goodbye Nicole" they said. And they each took turns giving me a hug.

"Thanks for being my best friends" I smiled, tears running down my face.

"Our pleasure" they smiled.

I stood at my front door and waved, wiping my tears away.

I closed the door and sank to the floor, again.

Except this time, I cried all day and onto the night.

They were all gone. Which meant I was all....... Alone.

No, I wasn't.

And one name came to my head.


I decided to text her because Chris had kind of introduced us in a way.

Me: hey Addison. It's Nicole. Life just got real complicated and I know this sounds weird but you're pretty much all I've got now :) wanna come over? I could use a friend

Less than ten minutes later, I got a response.

Addison: hey! I'd love to come over! I'll be there in twenty alright? Hang in there! Xx

Me: thanks. I'll try ;)

Exactly twenty minutes later, Addison knocked on the front door.

I opened the door and saw a concerned looking Addison holding 2 pints of Ben and Jerry's.

"I didn't know what you were going through but ice cream makes EVERYTHING better" she smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

I told her about everything that was happening. Lena and Kara, mum, and even Chris. She said that she couldn't wait to be my sister and she knew it was going to happen because of the way I talked about him. She said that my eyes lit up and even though I was really upset, talking about him made me feel better.

We stayed on the topic of Chris and she was talking about how much she regrets not seeing him for three years.

The night went away with the both of us holding each other while we cried.

She was the only one who really knew what I was going through.

And I loved her like a sister.
Awww Addison and Nicole's relationship is so cute and genuine I love it.

Love hearing feedback and predictions about the story so keep commenting and voting! Your input means a lot to me.

Happy reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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