Story Untold

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Chapter Thirty-Four
Story Untold

The three of us were so extremely happy that Ryan was going to be okay. I don't know what I would've done if he had died as well. I would've lost both of my brothers in one day. How awful would that have been?

After Chris set me back on the ground, he kissed me. A kiss filled with relief and happiness. He wrapped Addison and I up into his arms and hugged us both as we hugged each other. When I was finally released, I found myself fiddling with one of the two necklaces on my neck.


I missed him. I missed him and I'd seen him only an hour ago. But I missed him knowing that he would never come back to me again. Tears welled up in my eyes. Tears I didn't know I still had in me. I thought I'd used them all up by now, but I guess not.

A few of my tears fell from my eyes at the thought. I wanted to see Kyle again, but I knew that I couldn't. He was gone, and I had to convince myself that as much as I didn't want to. I had to.

"Shhh it's alright honey, I'm here" Chris's words. He wiped a few of my tears that I accidentally dropped onto my cheeks.

"I miss him Chris"

"I know you do I know" he soothed. He kissed the top of my head.

Addison came over to me next. She shooed Chris away and sat where he had been. Chris gave us some privacy and went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

"I know how you feel honey I really do. Literally the same thing happened to me, almost. Chris never told you this I bet. He was in Afghanistan for his first tour. This was when I was still speaking to him and wanted to see him. The next tour was when I couldn't see him, and it was because of this. Like I said, he was in Afghanistan and they were doing a training exercise; nothing they hadn't done before. They were ambushed. Chris was shot right by his right hip bone on his waist. He lost a lot of blood that day. They didn't know whether or not he would make it out of there alive. I couldn't do anything about it. They had me on the phone with Ryan the whole time but I couldn't do anything. Just there to listen, and torture myself. That was probably one of the worst days of my life right there. They said he flat lined for a few minutes and then he came back. Don't know how or why. But he did. It was a miracle that he was still alive. I wanted him to come home because of the extent of his injury. He refused. Said that he had to keep going for dad. I felt a little betrayed by this and I couldn't bear the thought of this happening again so I shut him out in the hopes of not having to face that sort of pain anymore, or the uncertainty that type of career brings. It didn't work. I called Ryan to make sure that Chris was okay. I called him everyday, and when Chris asked who was on the phone, I was Theresa. Ryan's girlfriend from Santa Monica. He never knew until he came back for your mother's funeral. When he pulled up to your house after you had disappeared, he greeted me and said'hey Theresa'. It was easier for me to become close with him again knowing that he wasn't going to go back because I knew that he wasn't going to be taken away from me like he almost was that day" she said.

"I had no idea Addie" I breathed.

And just on cue, Chris walked over to us.

"How are my two girls doing?" he asked jokingly.

"We're just peachy" Addison smiled widely with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Nicole honey, I called your dad"


"I wanted to tell him about Kyle and Ryan just so he wasn't out of the loop. He didn't pick up the phone. Do you know where he is?"

"I don't" I said "did you try the house number?"

"Yes I did. Nothing there either"

"Chris, what if he left me again?" I stuttered, tears forming in my red and swollen eyes.

"You have us this time. Your fiancee, your sister and your brother" he said with a big smile "and we're gonna take care of you until the day you die"

"I love you guys" I said pulling them both in for a hug.

"We love you too" Addison beamed. Lena and Kara may not be my sisters so much anymore, but I sure was glad that Addison was.

"Ryan Baxter's family?" a male voice asked.

"Yes we are" Chris said turning around so that he was facing the doctor.

"You can go in and see him now"

"Thank you so much" we all chorused. I gave them one last group hug before we all followed Dr. Baker into Ryan's room.

He was awake, thank God. But he was still tired looking and he said he was really sore. He was shot in the stomach after all.

"I think it's kinda funny that after getting shot in the army twice, it was a psychotic city boy that took you down" Chris laughed as we walked into the room.

"Shut up you idiot" Ryan laughed "it hurts when I laugh"

"Oh come on" Chris laughed.

"I'm serious" Ryan stated.

"Chris just shut up and leave the man alone!" Addison exclaimed.

"Fine fine jeez. Kill a guy's fun why dontcha"

"Okay okay shut up" I laughed at Chris.

"There's only one way you can make me shut up" he smirked.

"Oh really?"


I leaned in and stood on my tiptoes and when he closed his eyes awaiting my kiss, I covered his mouth with my hand.

"There. That's better" I grinned widely.


Yay! Ryan's okay!!!
Did you like Addison's little backstory there? I thought it needed it. School's back....yay :(
Anyways keep commenting and voting! It really means a lot to me.

Happy reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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