My One

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Chapter Thirty-Six
My One

Chris and I woke the next morning in each other's arms under the blankets of our fort just like I had expected. Ten or so minutes after I fell asleep, I woke up and Chris was still awake. I suggested that we build a fort; so, we did. It didn't take us as long as it used to when we were kids so we were done in a half an hour. Chris and I lied down on the pillow - covered floor and fell asleep together.

The fort still remained intact to which I was surprised, and as soon as we woke, Chris got up to go make us some tea as I flicked the TV on and put Captain America into the disc drive. We decided to watch all of the movies up to and including The Avengers today.

He returned and carefully made his way into the fort carrying two mugs of steaming tea. I took my mug and leaned up against the bottom of the couch, facing the TV. Chris held his mug with one hand and placed his other on the floor in between my knees, holding him up. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before sitting beside me.

I threw my left leg overtop of his right one just because that's something I used to do with my mum and dad and I'm used to it I guess.

He smiled and rested his hand on my leg, rubbing circles and drawing patterns on it while the movie started.

Iron Man was my favourite superhero. Lena, Kara and I had all "become" different superheroes. I was Iron Man, Lena was Batman, and Kara was Superman. We dressed up as our superheroes every Halloween even when we were too old to trick or treat.

I missed them terribly and I hated to say that we were growing apart from each other. They were so far away, we were one body, but now three individual parts. I know I hadn't lost them. I know that. But we weren't exactly "sisters" anymore either.

Chris and I watched yet another day away only occasionally getting up to get snacks or use the bathroom. But, we did it. We watched all of the movies leading up to and including The Avengers. Another item crossed off my bucket list.

"You know, you've helped me cross off three items on my bucket list already Chris" I said as the credits for The Avengers began rolling.

"I have?"

"Yeah. Eat a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower, get engaged on top of the Eiffel Tower, and watch all of these movies in corresponding order"

"Hm. I guess I have then haven't I?" he smirked "was one of them kissing an extremely attractive retired U.S militant?"

"No but it can be" I winked.

"Then let's cross that one off shall we?" he chuckled leaning towards me and turning so he was hovering over me.

I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips connect with mine. Our lips moved in sync in a motion that left me wanting to feel his touch again.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck as he returned to his original position beside me. He lifted my left hand and held it in front of him. He played with the ring he had placed on it admiring the fact that I was wearing it. He placed the palm of his hand under mine and closed my fingers around the side of his hand so that he could hold my hand and comfortably study the ring at the same time.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I smiled kissing his collar bone.

"I did good on this one didn't I?" he smiled.

"You did" I said looking intently up at him.

He kissed my forehead before we were interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey sis"

Addison's voice.

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