Goodbye Letter

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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Goodbye Letter

I was wandering around the house while Chris tried calling my dad again. I walked into my mum's room and then into the room he was using. I noticed a sheet of paper on the nightstand.

I am so sorry to have left you so soon and without any notice at all. But I couldn't bear to lie to you anymore. I have a family back in San Francisco. A new wife and two children who I need to support. You are a grown up now and I know Chris will take good care of you. I'm sorry Nicole. I love you, but you don't need a liar like me in your life anymore. After all, I left you for so long, I don't know what I was thinking just walking back into your life like that. I figured it would be best if I just left you guys. Have a nice life.

Love, Dad

I couldn't believe that he just did that to me. That he had the nerve to leave me and leave just a little note. He has another family which is more important than his first daughter. That hurt. I know that he left me and mum and he was a jerk but he was my dad, and hearing that someone else was more important to him than his only daughter who's mother just recently passed, hurt. It hurt, real bad.

I crumpled the letter in my hands.

How could he have lied to us this whole time?

How long has he had this family for?

Why? Why couldn't he have been faithful to my mum all those years ago like a normal husband?

These questions replayed themselves in my head constantly as I tried to figure out his reasoning for it. I sunk to the floor with my head in my hands and my knees curled up to my chest.

About five or so minutes later, I heard someone open the door. Chris stepped in and saw me on the floor. He walked over to me and sat in front of me pulling me into his chest and rubbing my back.

"Hey, hey what's wrong my love?" he asked kissing my forehead.

I didn't say a word. Just handed him the crumpled letter in my hands. He opened it, his arms still engulfing me, and read it.

"Aw Nicole, I'm sorry" he said lifting me so I was on his lap.

"Don't be. It isn't your fault that my dad is a jerk" I said flatly.

We sat there together for a little while longer and I was so happy that Chris was one constant in my life. Who I know will be there when I need him, and when I don't.

Chris helped me up from the floor and gave me a bear hug spinning me around. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he continued to spin me. He placed his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes, his blue-gray ones looking right through me like a sheet of glass.

He kissed me hard before setting me down.

"How are Lena and Kara?" he asked.

"I don't know. I haven't really talked to them since they went back to college after the party" I said.

"Oh" he said "what should we do today?"

"Well, I think we need to get out today. We've been cooped up in here for like two days. How about a road trip?"

"That sounds good" he said "where should we go?"

"Mum and I had a cabin that we stayed at in the summers up by Jacobs Bay. We could go there" I suggested "pack our bags and leave for a few days"

"That sounds wonderful darlin" he smiled giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So that's a yes?" I smiled.

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