Chapter 6

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"Did you talk to them?" I asked Haruki when he almost throw his phone in the sofa.
"Unfortunately, I did. I tried Yuki, I tried alot, not to interfere but I just can't. They're my parents." The disspointment is covering all over his face.
Haruki has a perfect life,  A life which people's  can only dream about. He got his own apartment in Seoul, He has a car , he has a perfect job and a perfect hobby.  Alot of bank balance. But still he's like this. Disspointed.
It's sad to see that the guy who never disspointed anyone in his whole life is now disspointed on his own parents. We really chose wrong place to born.
"Hey, it's ok let's sit." I tried to make him calm since I don't like it myself to see him like this.
His face still facing the ground and I am waiting for him to say something.
"Why he couldn't be a good husband?" He asked.
"Why He even marry her at first place? "
"It's not totally his fault Onii-san."
"It's him Yuki, He's the one in more fault, Why he gave her fake promises when he knew that he's not capable of keeping them. A man should keep his words until his last breath. Her fault is just that she marry a wrong person."
Haruki is right.
My mother was from a very poor family and saw dreams of a better life until she fell in love with him. He was nothing but a mechanic but still promised her to give her a life she wanted and love her unconditionaly. Unfortunately he didn't keep any one of them. He didn't keep his words. The shortage of money made my mother like that. Noisy and loud. Me and Haruki always wanted to earn money, alot of money that's why he kept his hobies aside and studied hard just to give our parents the life they wanted but sadly even after that. They never stopped, they never live once happily. Anyways what's broken is broken forever. We can't fix it.
"Why he promised her when he couldn't keep his words. She trusted him." Haruki said again. But why this time it feels like he's mocking me. Something I did as similar as my father.
I abandon her when she needed me the most. Does that mean I am just like my father?
No, am not him. I am not like him.
Haruki went to the kitchen for a glass of water. While thoughts still processing my mind.
I can't abandon her.  What's the point if I act just like my father,  than I have no right to tell him that he's wrong.  I am Yuki, Yuki Miyazaki not karube Miyazaki.  My feets are rebelling, walking to open the door.
"I'll be back Onii-san" I yelled and ran out off the door without even care to close the door behind.
I ran on the road having no idea where to go and where even find her. I don't even know where she's staying. I should've asked her hotel name.
I stopped when I realised that I don't know a single fucking thing about her. It's like finding a pin in a dark room.
After taking a long breath, so my mindless mind would work.
"Think, think.." I said massaging my temple. Most of the time this trick won't work but it did worked today.
"Embassy." That thing clicked my mind.
I took a cab to the embassy hoping it won't be closed.
"It'll be ok, I'll find her." I said to reassure myself.
My eyes won't stop looking outside the window, what if I found her like last time? But coincidence happens only once that's why we call it coincidence.

It's closed!
"No no no." I murmur to myself. How she's going to spend the night?
What if something happens to her?
Her eyes aren't living my sight. Everything I see is her eyes. I don't know why but I want to see her, Now, and fine.
I have no choice left but to leave from here. I'll come back tomorrow.

It's the fourth ring, And if one more time this clock ring I'll smash it to the wall.
5 minutes later it rang again.
"Ahhh, shit." I screamed in sleep. Taking the clock in my hand almost ready to smash it, when noticed the time my eyes opened wide,glaring at the 9 it's pointing.
"Nine?"  I have to hurry fast, before something else happens and I again stuck somewhere. I have to find her before anything else.
As soon as good.
My destination was fixed, The embassy.
Ignoring all that late stuff, I got there on sharp 10.
"Excuses me." I said looking at the man behind the desk. He glanced at me and smile.
"I am searching a girl named Aria preet, she's an Indian and lost her passport. " I explain.
He looked at me for a quite while.
"You must be in hurry, but will you please sit down." He said looking at my posture. My both hands were on his desk as I am so desperate to know where she is.
I say as he said expecting her address or atleast any clue.
"I remember her, since she last visited yesterday."
"Do you have her address, I mean where she's staying right now?" I asked him, my hands again on his desk. He glanced at them and I took them Back.
"No no, But we told her that the whole process would atleast take 1 week, So she said she'll come back after one week."
"Didn't she told anything about going anywhere?" I asked.
"No sir." He apologized.
"I lost her." I murmur under my breath.
"Nothing, thank you." I bow to him and went outside.
After streching my neck,I glanced around. Where she could possibly go? She don't even know anyone here.
Come on think,
I scratched my head.
Ok, it's fine anyways. She definitely found someone else who would help her. So I have nothing to worry about, right?It's not like I broke my promise. I tried to find her possibly. I did my part. Now I can't go around looking for her wasting my holiday like this.
But here we go again. Why can't I get peice even now?
A part of me know that she's not ok, she's not fine, she's not safe. I know it but still I am backing off.
"I can't do anything more than this. Rest is her destiny."
I took the bus to Haruki's place.
When I got his call.
"Are you free by chance?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"Thank God, could you please bring some hangover syrup to my office, My head is on its way to burst." He said. He's not sounding ok at all.
"How much you drink last time?" I asked not being sure.
"I don't even remember it." He stated.
That can explain alot that how frustrated he is about the divorce.
"I'll bring it there." I said and hangup the phone.
Both of us are pathetic. And our parents not even showing any mercy on us. They were just waiting for us to grown up so they could separate.
I stopped at the next stop. As I went to one convenience store, they were out of stuffs. The next in the line is close.
I went to the next store which is kind of distance away
Luckily I found the syrup bottle in a convenience store. I went to the counter when I got Haruki's call.
"Yeah, I just got it. I'll be there in 10 miu..." My eyes got stuck on that black hoodie. I forgot what I was about to say. It's like my eyes stopped me.
She is sitting on the table next to the door eating some cup noodles?
I can't believe my eyes that I am literally seeing her with my two eyes.
"Aria.." I called her in silent. And she glanced at me, shocked who called her name. Her eyes met mine and remain stucked on me.
But her that expression didn't last long. She's not happy seeing me as much as I relieved seeing her fine and absolutely ok despite the fact that her eyes circled in a dark colour around it. Her lips dosen't have that rosy colour anymore. And somewhere I am in the blame.
"You?" She stare at me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Eating, I guess." She answered stuffings the ramen in her mouth.
I have no idea where to start the conversation but still I have to.
"How are you doing anyway?"
"Not so good since you kick my ass." She mocked me.
"Sorry for that."
"You're sorry is not going to help me." She said.
"But I can." I uttered. She immediately stopped at her place. And picked a glance at me. I nodd at her.
"So.... You can again ditch me on my back ?"
"No no no... Aria, I am serious, I made my mind  I really really want to help you."
"Don't pity me now, You know I don't want your pity."
"Am not pyting you, Ok, I just want to help you and I am not willing to broke my promise this time, not ever. Trust me."  I tried my best now. And still if she refuses, it's not my fault.
She is taking alot of time to think about it. The faces she's making while thinking to herself it feels like she's talking to herself and she's having a very serious conversation. Her face is literally so beautiful that it almost brought a smile on my face but I handled my self well.  And her eyes finally came back to me.
"You sure about it?"  She asked.
"100 percent."
"Thank you." She stood up taking her backpack and before she reached for the traveller bag. I hold it. We went outside the shop when I remember that I still have to run some errands.
"Ahh, I have a little work to do actually." I turned to her.
"Fine." She said.
"So you're coming with me?"
"Where else I can go anyways." She said.
"You didn't find a place yet?" I asked.
"You're expecting me to find a place in a unknown country where I don't even know a single person?" She becoming hyper now.
"Where'd you spend the night then?"
"On subway.... But the CCTV was not working there so I just walked from there until I found a playground. I thought that was the best shelter for now."
"You didn't slept the whole night?" I asked.
"No." She uttered looking at the ground. No wonder why her eyes are black.
I scoff looking at her. And now I am seriously feeling guilty about what I did. She losing her passport was her bad luck but me abandoning her was definitely the worst thing.
"Am sorry." I said.
"Why are you sorry?" She asked.
"Just for whatever I did. That was worst." 
"Glad you know that." She said.
We went to Haruki's office from there. As I brought his hangover syrup to him.
I called him and told him to come down. He came down running.
"Thank you so much Mann." He thanked me. Aria is standing at the entrance of the building with her luggage. I glanced back.
"Whose that girl?" Haruki asked. I didn't answered him.
"What she's doing with here with all this luggage? Should I call security?" He is looking at her suspiciously. He definitely has no idea that she's with me. I should've called the cab earlier.
"She's with me." I said quitely as possible as I can.
"What?" Haruki asked as he heard it wrong
"She's with me Onii-san." I repeat myself.
"And who's she?" He asked again.
Before I say anymore Aria came inside with her luggage.
"So sorry to interrupt you but I really want to use the washroom. It's urgent." She said. Haruki looked at me. I have no idea what to say.
I gulp.
"Could you please show her?" I asked him.
"This way." He showed her the washroom and then the way he turn toward me. I am screwed already.
"Who is she?" He asked again
"Aria." I said.
"Aria? I thought you don't have any friends here." He asked.
"Just drink this and come home, I'll tell you everything."
"You should be aware, people's are froad these days." He said.
"She's not...a fraud." I am myself is not sure about it.
"Fine.. get home safely." He said and left.
I waited there for her, it's been 10 minutes but she didn't come out yet. What she's even doing in there?
I finally saw her coming.
"What took you so long?" I asked.
"Girl thing." She said and went outside.
"Girl thing?" I said to myself.
"Was that your brother?" She asked.
"He's handsome." She said.
"I know."
"Where you are staying right now?" She asked.
"Somewhere on earth." I said.

Hello!! Thank you so much to read today's chapter.
I hope you really enjoyed it.
Let me know in the comments section

I love reading your comments ❤️

See you next  Friday 🌸


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