Chapter 8

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"You really trust her?" Haruki asked about drinking the coke.
"I don't know, but she needs help." I said.
Both of us are sober without drinking a sip of the soju bottles in front of us. I am focused on finishing the coke in front of us.
Aria knocked on the door. Haruki went to open it.
And there she is standing and glaring at me.
"Aren't we going to eat?" She asked.
"Oh, I ate already with my colleagues, Yuki always visits some new restaurants to eat so we never actually eat here." Haruki explained.
"Except we drink together." I said taking a sip of the coke. She moved her eyes from me.
I can see her insecurity in her eyes when she sees the soju.
"You can eat the cup noodles, I stored them in the kitchen." Haruki said.
"No no, don't eat it right now." I stood up immediately.
"Why?" Haruki asked looking at me.
"She's sick." I uttered.
"She ate expired cup noodles." I said.
"Ohhh, are you ok now?" Haruki asked her.
"Yeah." She smiled awkwardly.
"You eat porridge?" I asked.
"W-what is that?" She asked.
"It's something which sick people eat." Haruki interrupt.
"Oh, you're going to cook?" She asked looking at me.
I was actually not planning to cook it. I was going to order it but now if she wants to see my cooking skill I'll show her.
"Yeah, I am." I said.
"I am eating that too. Just don't forget to make soup for me."  Haruki said.
Aria's phone buzzed and she glanced at the screen which brought a smile on her face. She went to the room without saying anything.
What's even making her smile like that?


I made the porridge and called both of them after 20 minutes. Also Haruki's weed soup is ready too.
Haruki sat on the dining table.
"Feels like my birthday, eating the weed soup my dear brother made." Haruki teases me.
Aria is still in her room. I went there and knocked on the door.
When she told me that she's coming in 5 minutes. What's wrong with her?
She finally opened the door. I saw a bright face with a smile. She is happy? Her cheeks are red. Is she blushing? Why she's blushing? Who made her blush like that? As soon as I realised that the curve of my lips are downward. I immediately pull them up.
"Dinner is ready." I said.
"Thank you." She said and ran to the dinning.
All of us sat on the dining table.
I serve her porridge and also serve Haruki his weed soup and porridge.
"It's good. " she compliments.
"Thank you." I said.
"It's been years but this taste didn't change a bit, it still taste the same." Haruki said.
All of us ate silently until Aria opened her mouth.
"When did you move here?" Aria asked me.
"Huhh?" Haruki looked at her in confusion. I know It's just beginning for me to screw up.
"I mean when did you move from the motel?" She asked again.
"It's not that salty right?" I asked her trying to change the subject.
"Motel? He's been staying here for the last one week." Haruki uttered.  I want to die right now, If it's possible I would sink in this porridge.
"No, He was staying at the motel 3 days ago." Aria said looking at me.
"No no, he did take all luggage in a hurry 2 days ago but he did come back with it the next morning." Haruki said.
"What about the girlfriend, you live here with?" She asked.
"Wait! My girlfriend? You're the first girl who stepped into my apartment until now." Haruki raised his eyebrows.
"Yuki said you live with your girlfriend."
Both of them are looking at me. To simply explain.
"I lied! Ok I lied. I didn't want to bring you here so I lied." I shouted.
"That's why you took her to motel? " Haruki asked me.
"Onii-san, How could you doubt my intentions? I didn't bring her there for ...." I take my word back as soon as I realise that he's just teasing me. He released a big laughter looking at my face.
"For what?" Aria asked. She's the one who's looking serious here besides Haruki.
"Nothing!" I yelled and went back to Haruki's room.
"Wash your own dishes." I yelled closing the door.
This is so embarrassing. So so embarrassing. Now she's definitely thinking I am a liar.
After some time I heard a knock on the door.
I opened it thinking it would be Haruki but it wasn't.
"You lied to me." She said as soon as I opened the door.
"Look, I don't want to talk about it. I hate when people call me a liar." I said.
"But you did lie." She laugh. Whenever she laughs she laughs too loudly.
"I asked you if I am causing you any trouble and you said no, I am not. But it turns out to be my whole existing is trouble for you." She said.
"Weird, but I am the one who lost my passport and you're the one whose suffering."
"It's not that ..." I insisted.
"You're doing a lot for me, I don't even know how I am going to pay you back. You know I asked my one friend that what would've you done if someone you had one conversation lost their passport and he said he'd help them to find it and when I ask him what about taking them to home to stay with you and he literally said that's the stupidest thing someone coul ever done, I would've never done that. It's stupid ."  She said and then looked at me directly.
"I am not supposed to tell you that, but you're different, different amongst all the men I've met until now." Her words seem like a dream to me. That dreamy talk, I can't believe she's saying it.
"Thank you." She uttered, Haruki came from nowhere.
"You didn't sleep?" He asked me.
"No." I said.
"Then let's finish the remaining soju." He said.
"You wanna join?" He asked Aria.
Her eyes widened.
"No no no, I don't drink." She insisted.
"Why? " Haruki asked.
"No it's just not a good habit actually, People in India think that people who drink are not good people, So I don't drink." She said.
"You mean men don't drink too?" Haruki asked.
"Not those who are well mannered, But my father drinks, not my brother. Father drinks in private actually he doesn't drink in front of me or any family member." She said and went to sleep. After telling both of us a good night.
I can understand her insecurity right now.
"Onii-san. Can we stop drinking for like 5 days?" I asked him.
"Why? " He asked almost pouring a glass of soju.
"I don't think she feels safe here." I said.
"Don't talk nonsense, come here and drink." Haruki said emptying the whole glass in one sip.
"I don't want her to feel unsafe here, I think the environment she grew up in didn't feel safe around men who drink. Can't we just stop it for like 5 days."
"You should talk something like a smart person Yuki, We can drink when she's not around like after she sleep, you remember what she said, her father drinks too but not in front of her, does that make him a bad person? Absolutely not." Haruki said.
"That's the cool idea, Onii-san. Drink I am going to sleep." I bowed to him and then went to the living room with the blanket. Her room, I mean my room is in front of my eyes. I wonder what she's doing. The light is off already, I can see through some space down the door.
I came here to explore and to forget that my parents are having divorce. Simply I came here to escape. But this girl won't let me think of something other than her. All I can think about is her and her brown big eyes.
I wonder what it would be like if I hadn't met her? Would I still be depressed thinking about my parents? I am actually depressed about it.  It's the thing that whenever I think about my heart feels heavy. She's just a priority to me from which I can't run. Just 5 more days and then I'll be free.
I closed my eyes and all I can hear is her thank you. She had no idea what it even meant to me. The way she said it. All I can see is her eyes and her smile and her gaze. Her voice echoed in my ear.
Stop thinking about her!  She's not even my type.
"Yuki." She shook me. I opened my eyes immediately as soon as I saw her my mouth automatically opened.
"You're not my type." I said.
"What?" She made an annoyed face.
I immediately sit up straight.
"Sorry, I was asleep." I apologise for my stupid act.
"Ohh." She said.
"What happened?"
"Actually, there is something outside the window." She said.
"I don't know, something like a moving shadow. And it's actually tapping on the window glass. I don't know what to do. I couldn't sleep." She said.
"Ahh, Bora." I ran toward the fridge and took the frozen fish packet out.
"Come here." I said to her.
She followed me through the room.
"I completely forgot about her."
I opened the window.
"Careful!" Aria said still standing in the door.
Bora made a meow sound as soon as she saw me. She started rubbing her body against my hand.
"Ohh, sorry I completely forgot about you." I said in japnese.
Aria ran toward the window.
"Ohh my god... She's so cute..." She made a cute sound and immediately started patting Bora.
"How'd you know she's a girl?" I asked.
"She seems to like you." She said which made me sort of laugh.
"You like cats?" She asked.
"A lot." I answered feeding Bora.
"You have one?" She asked.
"Why?" She asked for complete shock.
"It's a long story." I said.
"I can listen."  She straightened up her posture completely all ears.
"Ok, so I was 12 when I brought a street cat home, My neighbour Akane, She used to love that cat. Her name was ghumi and she was so cute. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But she died suddenly, Her sudden death was shocking, Haruki me and Akane all of us cried for almost 3 days. Akane didn't even eat a single thing for 3 days and she fell unconscious, So after that day we decided that we are never going to bring any pets. Their death is unbearable." I said and looked at aria. Her eyes are already filled with water.
"I had a cat too, He also died in a car accident." She said almost on the verge of crying but am so cruel and God will never forgive me cause, I laugh slightly. I did try to control it but she said there was a car accident. But I am sad for his death.
"Am sorry, I didn't mean to." I said.
"I cried that time too and my big brother recorded my video and used to tease me all the time showing me that video. I was 17 that time." She said.
She is still patting her and now Bora brushing her body against her hand, kissing her hand. I glanced up at her. I never thought Bora and I would ever have anyone's company.
"Does she come every night?" She asked
"Yeah, every night even if she's not hungry." I uttered.
"I told you she likes you." We laugh.
"How old is she?" She asked.
"Bora, What's your age?" I asked.
And she just meow.
"Ahh, that's rude don't ask a woman her age Yuki, that's disrespectful." Aria laugh.
I laugh too.
"Am sorry your highness." I apologise.
"What's your age by the way?" I asked Aria since I don't know what her age is.
"You guess."
"25 ?" I guess.
"Am I looking that old?" She asked.
"Do I look that Young?" She said making a pretty face.
"23." She said.
"23 ." I repeat.
"30." I said.
"Aey, don't lie. " she said.
"Am serious, I know I do look young." I lied again to tease her.
"You're 25." She said which made me sort of shocked. How she even knows my exact age.
"How-do- you know?" I asked.
"It was a guess, I am good at guessing things ."
"So guess my birthday date too." I sat up straight.
"Ok ok, Look in my eyes." She said coming closer to me.
She's directly looking in my eyes without even blinking, making me nervous for no reason. My heart is racing looking in her eyes this close. Her big eye lashes which are real and her eyebrows are thick and black. She has a natural pink colour on her lip.
She really doesn't need make-up to look pretty.
"April." She said.
I froze at my place.
"25?" She asked .
"No, it's 28 April. You were close." I am quite impressed by her skill.
"How did you even do this?" I asked.
"It's a trick, we don't tell anyone." She continued.
"So you are saying you can read my mind?"
"Sort of."
"That's not true." Cause if she knew that I am obsessed with her eyes she would've never come here to stay.
Bora jumped out of the window, walking toward the bed.
"What now? She wanna sleep with you?" I asked.
I glanced at her showing her not funny face.
"Why don't you adopt her?" She asked.
"No pets." I insisted.
"Still, We keep them knowing that they'll be gone one day. The sorrow is just a part of a moment what important is moments we spend with them.anyways no one's stay forever." She is still looking at Bora.
This girl is the most interesting person I've ever met in my life.
"You really are a writer." I grinned.
"I took her photo every time she came." 
"Really? Can you show me?" She asked.
"I can.wait a minute."  I took my camera which was in charge.
"Here." I showed her.
"Wow, that's really good." 

She took the camera in her hand. Looking at the photos. She was smiling every time she slid a picture.

You know what? Let me take your picture." She pointed the camera at me.
"No one actually took my photo before." I said and she almost captured my photo.
"You wanna see?" She asked.
"Of course." I glanced at the photo she took. The moonlight spread all over my face and the smile. I am sure I never smiled like that before. It's different. Feels like I am looking at a completely different person.

Thank you for reading this Chapter 🌸

See you next Friday with a completely new chapter

Thank you 🌸🌸


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