Chapter 10

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"And it's 7. Cool." 7 is my favorite number, and this number has also helped me achieve my goal of collecting the most gold album records. I have no exact count of how many stores I've searched for these records. Right now, all I want is to go home in Tokyo and listen to these records. I did listen to them back in the store while buying them, and they sounded heavenly to my ears. Unfortunately, I am the only one who appreciates them. Haruki loves music, but not something that is older than his generation. Those are his thoughts, but I find it peaceful. Now, I have seven of these records here, and just looking at them fills my heart with happiness.
As a guitar melody constantly reaches my ears, I am compelled to open the door and take in the view. I see my big brother and this lady sitting in the gallery, with Haruki playing a sweet melody for her while she enjoys it with a cup of coffee. I was about to leave, not wanting to disturb them, when Haruki noticed me.

"Yuki, come here. I was about to play your favorite song."
I glanced at Aria for a second, and that was enough to see her empathetic face.
I hate it more than my parents' divorce.
"No thanks, I'm better."
"Does he even have a taste in music?" She laughed.
"Excuse me." Her sentence offended me, and I walked straight towards them.
"You can't say that, Aria. He has a really great taste in music," Haruki interrupted.
She coughed slightly, teasing me.
"I don't think so," she said.
"I think you should show her," Haruki suggested.
"I'm fine."
"Haruki, you're really okay, so good," Aria complimented him, gathering all her facial expressions. It was cringey once!
Haruki just smiled.
"How about coffee?" he asked me.
"Can I get a refill too?" she asked, handing him the cup.
Haruki went to the kitchen.
She is staring at me.
"Would you like to sit?" she asked.
I sat in the front chair.
"Do you want to hear something interesting?" she asked.
"No thanks."
"I'm going to tell you anyways," and she continued.
I sighed.
"My mom married my dad when she was 16." After she finished her sentence, I found myself furrowing my brows at her.
"Yeah, and she only met him once before the marriage, and the second time she saw him was at their wedding."
"Child marriage?" I asked, completely confused.
"No, no, that's a completely different concept. In India, there is a tradition where the boy and his family visit different girls' houses to see them. If he and his family like a girl, they simply select her for marriage."
"What about the girl?" I asked.
"The same, but her family decides. In my mother's case, her family arranged her marriage." She paused, giving me time to process.
"So, as you can see, there was no love. There are two types of marriages: one before love and the other with love before marriage. But there is always love. There is no way to continue something if there is no love.As you see my mother was never allowed to love anyone until she married my dad and once she married she gave him everything she had."
I interrupted her because it's too much for me to understand.
"Just a moment, why are you telling me all this?" I asked, feeling bothered.
"Because, I just want to tell you that there is always a way if there is love." She leaned forward towards me, with a genuine smile on her face and sparkling eyes.
"Love finds a way if you want it to. Once you love someone, you can't stop loving them, especially after having two children with them. My brother and I are proof that our mother loves our father and our father loves her. They just need to realize that they can't be apart. Their love will never die as long as you guys are alive."
I looked into her eyes, noticing her cute little dimple and playful smile, and she almost made me believe in her words.
Their love will never die.
To clarify, I am a confused individual. I can't handle stress in my mind. And this situation is overwhelming for me to process all at once.
My face right now is exactly the same as when I used to make it when I didn't understand that one math equation. But this is life.
"You know what? I love your theory, it's really good thought for a writer to live in.But sadly I just believe things I see by my own eyes and right now what I am seeing is my parents divorce, so thank you for your consultation." I almost woke up.
"You don't need to believe in love, you just need to feel it." She said making me sit on the chair back.
"How? How would I feel love?"
"You need to feel loved by someone."
"Someone who will love you."
"How can I know that, you need to find it by yourself." She turned around.
"You will find it eventually someday, Japan is a very big country though, I am sure you'll definitely find someone. I'll pray for you ok." She smiled and went to take her coffee.
Just for a brief second. Just for a mere second It crossed my mind.
How would it be if you love me?
I almost shook my head with the disgust of that thought.
Nothing looks more stupid than People in love. Emotional attachment is as deadly as smoking. And I don't do either of them.

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