Chapter 22: Rebirth Of Captain Soto

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(Back at the Black Bounty, the Serpentine and Pirates are confused on why the other is on their ship.)

Garmadon: (To himself) When I wished it to destroy the Dragon, it wouldn't. But when I wished for a better crew...The Mega Weapon doesn't have the power to destroy, it only has the power to create!

Spitta: I still don't see how you got on our ship!

First Mate: Your ship? We built 'er! So why don't you slither yourself off the plank?

Garmadon: I finally have a crew I can be proud of. Batten down the hatches, fellas!

Soto: Who you calling "fellas", four arms?

Garmadon: Me, Lord Garmadon. I created you, you fool. I am your captain now.

Soto: Created me? I be Captain Soto, stealer of the seas. Raise your weapon!

Fang-Suei: (To Mezmo) The Mega Weapon must've created them. But now Garmadon's too weak to use it.

Soto: (To a pirate) Take it from him.

Garmadon: Ugh, no! Don't! It's too powerful! Only I can— (The pirate disappears in a golden light. Garmadon collapses and pants.) ...Only I have the power to wield the Mega Weapon. It may have drained my powers for now, but when my strength returns, I'll deal with you.

Soto: Then that's too bad for you, because we're taking back our ship! Lock him and all his reptilian friends into the brig!

Parrot: Awk, left! (No-Eyed Pete grabs Captain Soto.) No, your other left! Awk! (He locks the Serpentine and Garmadon in the brig. Soto and First Mate goes into the bridge.)

Soto: Someone's done something to my ship.

First Mate: (Sighs) She ain't like how we left her. (They both look at a raider scanner.)

Soto: Hm, must be some sort of treasure map. (He presses a button, making the ship fly.)

Parrot: Flying. Awk! Flying!

Soto: (Now at the deck with No-Eyed Pete) Ah, your bird speaks the truth. A flying ship! Oh, this is too good. Just wait till they get a load of us!

(The pirates head toward Ninjago.)

                                                             Sorry again for short chapter 

                                                           Many of the chapters here are short

                                                                       hope you can understand

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