Chapter 40: The Temple Of Light

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(The ninja, however, are still waiting for Zane.)

Jay: (Looking through the medallion) I spy, uh...another tree!

Cole: Jay, how did you ever become a ninja? Seriously.

Kai: Ugh, will Zane just get his bird already and get out of there?

Anna: These two are driving me insane

Jay: (Aligns the medallion with three lights) Guys, look! (He gives the medallion to Kai.)

Kai: It matches up. That must be the Temple of Light.

Anna; (Grabs the medillaton.)

Kai: He-

Anna: No kidding! 

Cole: (Laughs) Jay, I take back everything I said. You are a fine ninja. Not finer than me, but a fine

Anna: (looks back at the camp) Guy, I think Zane got himself into a situation.

(They hear a Warrior talking and sees Zane, who finally got the Falcon, being cornered.)

Jay: Oh...

Zane: I sense I may have gotten myself into a predicament, my broken friend.

Garmadon: A ninja, here? Seize him.

Cole: That's it, I'm fighting.

Kai: We can't, they're indestructible. If we go in there, they'll know we're here too.

Cole: Yeah, and if we don't, we'll regret it for the rest of our lives. Come on, 

Anna: I agree with Cole, it's Zane after all. (They run over the Army.) 

Cole: What are you waiting for, a red carpet?


Garmadon: They're getting away. Nooooo! Do something! (Kozu tells the Army to follow them.)

Kai: Remember when Sensei asked to stay out of sight?

Cole: Yeah, that was good advice. (They try to climb over the fence but the Army throws spears at them.)

Jay: Why didn't we listen to him?

Zane: Why don't we ever listen to him?

Kai: Look! The gate! The way out. (The plank breaks under him.)

Cole: Hurry up. We're halfway there. (However, the Army is closing in on them from both sides.)

Garmadon: (Grabbing popcorn from a Stone Scouts) Excellent. (Laughs) This is too good.

Kai: We've been in situations like this a hundred times. Quick, who's got an idea?

Jay: Uh, we jump into that hole. (He points below them, a pit of Dark Matter.)

Anna: That is NOT a idea!

Kai: Anna's right, Next idea.

Cole: I say we fight.

Kai: With what? We don't have powers. 

Anna: I do! (She shoots an orb but it fades away.) My powers are getting weaker!

Kai: (Sighs) What about you, Zane? What do your computers say?

Zane: I got us into this mess. I know how to get us out. (The bridge breaks from the weight.) Grab a plank! Ninja, go!

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