Chapter 28: Goodbye childhood

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Anna: We've have to get everyone out of here!

(They run up to the door, but it is blocked by the fallen down sign.

Zane: The door is jammed, we can't get out.

(They look up to see the Grundle move along the roof.)

Jay: Look! It's coming, ITS COMING!

(The Grundle breaks through the glass roof, landing in the store.)

Jay: (screams) Agh! We're doomed!

Rufus: Doomed as  Britts Subskian in Phoenix War page 15.

(The Grundle swings its tail at Rufus and the kids, making them dodge as they scream. As it looks at them, the Grundle's tail breaks the glass on the display case to the ninja's ZX gis.)

Jay: Quick! This way! (They run down a nearby section as the Grundle turns back to where the ninja originally were. Jay grabs Kai's gi as Zane and Kai grab some Illuma-Swords and they immediately glow.)

Cole: Hey, McNasty, I thought ninja were on your menu!

(The Grundle turns to the ninja, who are wearing their gis while holding the Illuma-Swords. They wave them in front of the Grundle, who backs away a bit.)

Jay: It's working!

(They start moving forward, waving the Illuma-Swords as they do so before Jay jumps at it and strikes it, but his Illuma-Sword immediately breaks and stops glowing as he slides back. Kai jumps at the Grundal next and strikes its, but his Illuma-Sword also breaks and stops glowing.)

Kai: Stupid toy.

(Zane jumps onto the Grundle and hits it with his Illuma-Sword, but it breaks and stops glowing as he lands near the others.)

Zane: Argh! Uh-oh!

(Anna hits the Grundle but like the others her Illuma-Sword broke.)

Anna: Oh. We got a problem, guys.

(The Grundle knocks them into the register as Kai , Jay, Anna and Zane dropped their broken Illuma-Sword,. The Grundal comes up to them as it growls and opens its mouth, causing them to scream.)

Lloyd: (raising the seat behind the register) Not to worry, I'll take care of this.

Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole: Lloyd!

(Lloyd summons his power, the light affecting the Grundle as it backs away and the others cheer,) 

Anna: Its working.

(the Grundle soon uses its tail sending them flying with Anna and Lloyd landed in the corner of the shop.)

Kai: Oh, gross!

Cole: This is the end, isn't it?

(The front door is soon kicked open, revealing Nya, who kicked the door and Wu as the ninja turn to them.)

Nya: Everyone out!

(All the people ran out of the shop and Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane are able to get on their feet.)

Wu: Use this! (He throws it to them.)

Jay: (catching it) What is it?

Wu: It'll turn forward the hands of time, turning you old and reducing the Grundal back to dust and bones. (They jump onto the fallen register.) But be careful, there's no turning back.

Jay: (holding the Tomorrow's Tea up) Grundal, prepare to be extinct!

Cole: (stops him) No, wait. (He holds his Illuma-Sword at the Grundal.) What will happen to Lloyd and Anna? (They look at them.) They'll grow old, too.

Lloyd: Just do it.

Jay: You'll miss out on the rest of your childhood,

Kai: We can't do that. It's not fair!

Anna: So is life, and if we don't do it now, we might lose it!

(The Grundal strikes the last Illuma-Sword, knocking it out of Cole's hand.)

Cole: Oh, no!

(The Grundal chomps at them, making them fall as the Tomorrow's Tea soon lands on Lloyd as the Grundal comes closer.)

Lloyd: "Fair? Fair isn't a word from where I come from." (He gets up and throws the tea at the Grundal.)

(The Grundle growls as Wu and Nya are shocked.)

Wu: He used it!

(The Grundle spins as its skin dissolves away.)

Nya: And it's working!

(The Grundle is again a skeleton as it soon comes apart. Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane soon stand up, removing their hoods now back at their original ages.)

Cole: (normal voice) What happened? We're not kids anymore.

Nya: It worked!

Rufus: (surprised) They are the real ninja.

(Lloyd stands up but he's much older like about 15 he see's himself and exclaims.)

Lloyd: I'm... older 

Wu: The time for the Green Ninja to face his destiny has grown nearer.

Lloyd: (Looks around the ruined and realizing someone is missing.) Anna, where is Anna!

(Everyone is concerned and started looking, Just then a figure stood up and it appears to be Anna they all gasp in shock just like Lloyd she was older but she was quite different her hair much more longer, She was much taller and other differences.

Anna: What? why are you looking at me like that?

( Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole quickly and weirdly looks away while Lloyd couldn't take his eyes off her. Nya hurried with a towel and wrapped it around her. )

Nya: Don't worry, you can borrow my stuff until you have yours.

Anna: Thanks Nya.

-Time skip- 

(Its night time and everyone is in bed Lloyd couldn't Sleep so he went on deck near the railings He was stress from all that happened and could use a break.)

Lloyd: (In his mind.) *sighs* Did I make the right chose, does turning older actually help me.

(Anna walked out and said.)

Anna: At Least you'll get better in training.

Lloyd: Huh?, (See's her leaning on the door.) oh, Its your, couldn't sleep?

Anna: Yeah, but I don't blame you, this new body is gonna take a awhile to get to get use to

(She took a step forward and lose her balance as she was about Lloyd catches her.)

Both: Um.....

(Anna steps away and Lloyd rubbed the back of his neck nervously.)

Anna: About that.

Lloyd: Its fine, I also tripped on a few thing while coming up here.

(They look at the view from above.)

Lloyd: Sorry for dragging you into this, I mean, I was ready  to lose my childhood but..

Anna: I'm fine with that besides I'm stuck with you till the end. 

Lloyd: (Yawns) We better get to bed. 

Anna: Same.

(Little did they know Kai was watching the entire thing with a big smirk on his face.)

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