Chapter 32: The Stone army

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(Anna is sleeping when she hears a loud noise. )

Wu: Anna, are you up yet? It is time for sunrise exercise

Anna: (sleepily.)Yes,  I'm up. (She struggles to get out of bed, Going to her closet she picks up her ninja gi and wears it, Now she has her stuff and clothes.) 

-Meanwhile in the boys' room-

Cole: Ugh. (He hits his head on the top bunk.)

Jay: Uh, Aah! (He falls off his bed.)

(Kai throws something at the clock, making it hit a gramophone and makes it louder. The ninja groans, but Zane, being a Nindroid, is unaffected by the noise. Lloyd uses his Energy to shut it off and it blasts it to the room.)

Anna: (Comes in.) Morning guys.

Cole: Watch out! (She sees' the alarm clock and destroys it with her powers before it hits her.)

Lloyd: Sorry about that. I didn't see you there.

Anna: It's fine.

Kai: (Signs.) Is it Wednesday already?

Jay: Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise.

Wu: (Comes in, ringing a mini gong) Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day, students. Before we begin the sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe.

Cole: Uh, what was that, Sensei?

Kai: (Simultaneously) Did I hear an SOS call come in?

Zane: (Simultaneously) I sense I need to be somewhere else.

Jay: Lloyd, Anna. haha. I'm sure you got this, heh.

(Anna furrows her brow.)

Lloyd: Aww, you might've been able to dump chores on us when we were smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!

Kai: (Sighs) You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp! Okay, on three! One, two, three!

(Everyone except Lloyd and Anna chose paper.)

Anna: Argh, Are you serious right now!?

Jay: Haha, paper beats rock!

Lloyd: (Groans) How does paper beat rock? (Lloyd prepares to clean up the dragon.) I always have to do the dirty work.

Cole: Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility.

Jay: Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?

Lloyd: I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was young.

Anna: (To herself.) Well, That's cruel. 

Kai: She just left? Who took care of you?

Lloyd: I spent my whole life at Darkley's Boarding School.

Nya: Hey, I have a mission for you guys. (She slides down the Bounty's anchor.) It's the Museum of Ninjago! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened.

Kai: What?

Nya: You're gonna have to see it to believe it.

Lloyd: Here, Nya. Hold this. (He gives her the bag and soon Anna does too.)

Nya: Wait a minute. What am I supposed to do with these? (She looks at the dragon.) Oh.


(The ninja reach the museum.)

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