Chapter 39: The Island Of Darkness

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(The ninja reached the Dark Island, but are on the lookout for the Stone Army. Wu gasps.)

Kai: This whole island is swarming with Garmadon's indestructible Stone Army.

Jay: Ha! Good thing we're ninjas and we know how to hide.

Cole: Who wants to hide when you can fight? I'm getting tired of having our heads buried in the sand. I wanna fight these guys.

Anna: Fight with what? In Ninjago, we failed terribly and Misako said we can only use weapons from the temple of light which we don't only where it is so until then keep hiding

Wu: That is more reason why we must find the Temple of Light.

(They go in the Bounty, where Misako explains the scrolls.)

Misako: The scrolls say there is a hidden temple on the island. If you find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers, powers that can destroy the indestructible army.

Cole: So you're saying we get to fight? Whoo-hoo! I've got happy feet!

Misako: And you, my son, here it is written: "For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master."

Lloyd: Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?

Misako: It means you will be able to invoke the power of the Golden Dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the First Spinjitzu Master.

Lloyd: (Everyone looks at him, surprised.) Hahaha. Jealous?

Anna: Uh, wait a minute. This all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?

Wu: The catch is, the Temple could be anywhere on the island, and all we have is this. (He gives Dr. Julien a medallion with three holes.)

Julien: A medallion. It's like a compass. When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden.

Jay: Uh, how'd you know that?

Julien: Oh, I did a lot of reading in my spare time. (Chuckles.) Adventure stories were my favorite.

Zane: (Taking the medallion) Then what are we waiting for? (The ninja get up.)

Wu: (Stopping Lloyd) Not you, Lloyd.

Lloyd: Ah, seriously? Are we still doing this?

Misako: Wu is right. If you were to come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risks.

Jay: Hahaha. 

Anna: (smirks.)Jealous?

Julien: Well, I could use some help around the shop. We should get working on vehicles that might help give us a fighting chance.

Wu: Remember, Garmadon doesn't know we're on the island. It's imperative that you stay out of sight.

Jay: Of course, Sensei. Don't worry. Have you ever known us to veer from a plan, huh? (Lloyd, Wu, and Misako looks at them, not amused.)

Anna: Lots and lots of times...

Ninja, except Lloyd and Anna: Ninja—

Wu: Shh! Not so loud. Are you trying to get us caught?

Ninja, except Lloyd and Anna: (Whispering)...go.

(At Garmadon's camp, a Stone Swordsman brings in a box of Dark Matter.)

Stone Swordsman: (Speaking foreign language)

Garmadon: What did he say, General Kozu?

Kozu: The mining, they've dug to new depths and have struck Dark Matter. (He grabs the box and brings it to Garmadon.)

Garmadon: Amazing. The most powerful Dark Matter.

Kozu: He also says they have lost many warriors down the Mouth of Eternal Shadows just to obtain this one piece.

Garmadon: Then tell him I'll throw him down myself, because I need one thousand more just like this one to make my ultimate weapon.

Kozu: I will see that it is done.

Overlord: They respect you. This is good, but I feel a shift in the balance.

Garmadon: Huh? Should I have shaken my fist more? Maybe dramatically thrown over a table, or kicked over a—

Overlord: No, you myopic mortal! The ninja. I cannot see them, but I sense their presence.

Garmadon: Here? On the Island? I will alert all the warrior back. If they are here, we'll find them. (Eventually, the Army is called back.) They would be fools to set foot anywhere near my camp.

(The ninja are spying on them from a distance.)

Jay: Look, this must be Garmadon's camp.

Kai: No, you think? I thought it was a takeout restaurant. It looks like he's building something.

Jay: Building what?

Anna: Quiet, bozos. We still need to find what the medallion matches up to.

Zane: Let me see. (He looks through the medallion.) Hmm, nothing matches. 

Anna: Lets check an-

Zane: (He sees something.) Wait.

Jay: (Gasps) You found the Temple of Light? (He grabs the medallion.)

Zane: No, but look! (He points to his Falcon.)

Kai: Your Falcon. I thought it got shot down and was lost for good.

Zane: Not if I can retrieve it and get the pieces back to my father.

Cole: Wait, Zane. You're veering from the plan. We're supposed to be finding the Temple of Light and staying out of sight.

Zane: If I were any of you, I'd do the same. I have to get my friend back. (He leaves them.)

Kai: The more of us that goes the more chance we'll get caught. We just have to stay here and hope he doesn't get seen.

Cole: Aww, I wanna fight.

Anna: (Anna glares at him.)

Cole: What?

(The rest of the team help build the Earth Driller.)

Julien: Thank you, Wu. If you could fetch some more creek water, that should pretty much do it.

Lloyd: (Notices Wu and Misako looking at each other) So, how did you meet him?

Misako: Who? Sensei Wu?

Lloyd: No, my father.

Misako: (Sighs) You know, he wasn't always like the way he is today. It took years for his poisoned heart to turn him evil. There was a time when I loved him very much. And he was very proud.

Lloyd: When was that?

Misako: When we had you. (They embrace.)

Lloyd: And now it all comes down to me fighting him.

(While Wu is filling a bucket with water, he hears a Stone Swordsman talking. He hides, but steps on a stick. They start fighting, but Lloyd saves him.)

Misako: Watch out! (Lloyd and Misako trap the Swordsmen.)

Wu: That was close. Our presence on the island cannot be hidden for much longer. I just hope the ninja have located the Temple. Knowing them, they have probably already found it by now.


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