Chapter 30: Back To The Past

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(The next thing that happened was them faceplanted in a mud puddle in Ignacia Village.)

Kai: Ugh.

Jay: Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel.

Cole: Where are we?

Zane: You mean when are we?

Anna: I'm not fam-

Kai: Four Weapons. Ha! My parents' shop. Nya and I used to work there. Hey, wait a minute, this is the day Garmadon ordered the Skeletons to take my sister. We need to warn them!

Cole: Whoa, whoa! You heard what Sensei said: we change anything, we change everything.

Jay: Yeah, I was confused by that too.

Anna: What he means is, our world is the result of past events that have already happened. If for whatever reason events in our past fail to happen, then the future could change.

Jay: Uh, so what you're saying is we gotta stop Garmadon from changing anything? But of all the times, why did we land here?

Kai: 'Cause this is where it all started. The day I met Sensei Wu for the first time and I began my training as a ninja. Somehow, Garmadon is gonna try to prevent that, but how?

Cole: (Sighs) If only Sensei were here to guide us.

Jay: (Sees Past Wu walking) Oh look, there he is! Maybe he can!

Cole: We gotta tell him what Garmadon has done.

Zane: But we can't let the old Kai and Nya see that we talked to him, or else it will affect the future.

Kai: Hmm. I Have a plan follow me. (As they climb the stairs, Past Kai is on the final words of his first conversation with Wu.)

Past Kai: And the shop is called "Four Weapons," not "For Browsing." Either buy something or go pedal your insults somewhere else.

Past Wu: Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here.

Kai: (covers Wu's mouth) Sensei, we need your help!

Past Wu: Huh?

Jay: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. If we're trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn't talking to Sensei kind of be like altering the past, thus changing our future?

Zane: That would be correct. I believe a big "uh-oh" is in order.

Past Wu: Uh?

Kai: Well, we can't undo what we've already done. Sensei, we really need your help.

Past Wu: All four of you.... Anna your older.

Kai: Long story short, but we don't have time to explain. Can you help us?

Past Wu: Well, I still don't understand is, who are you and, what are you doing here.

Anna: Okay look, We are the ninja from the future, We are here to stop Gramadon, your brother, Because he has traveled back in time to make sure we don't exist and Lloyd doesn't become the green ninja.

Wu: Fine, I'll help you, what do you need me to do?

Kai: Okay. Any moment now, the Skeletons are going to attack and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me—I mean the past me.(Wu's eyes narrowed he have seen his brother for something now.) We have to do everything in our power to protect my past self.

(Black clouds approach them as the Skulkin arrive, but Kai stopped Past Wu from interfering.)

Anna: Looks like they're here.

Past Nuckal: Oh, oh! Let me go first! Please, oh please? I'm dying to go down there.

Past Kruncha: You nitwit, you're already dead.

Garmadon: (Putting on a Skeleton mask. Simultaneously) Why did I ever trust these numbskulls?

Past Samukai: Attack! Boo!

(Fear filled their hearts and the Ignacia citizens run away as the vehicles race to the shop

Past Nya: What are they?

Past Kai: I don't know. Stay here. (Grunts as he fights a few Skeletons.)

Kai: Well, can we help or not?

Past Wu: Don't look at me. I'm wise, but not that wise.

Zane: Uh, technically, since the past has already been altered, I don't see why we can't fight a few Skeletons. Just as long as your former self never sees you.

Cole: Ha, you made my day, Zane.

(Some skeletones jumped into they're hiding place.)

Jay: I miss beating these guys up. (Grunts) Ninja, go! Haha.

Anna: (She join the fight when, when she remembered something so she said to Kai.) We also have to make sure you past self doesn't get hurt.(He nodded and said to Wu.)

Kai: Watch for when Samukai throws his daggers. And don't forget to save me.

Past Wu: Huh?

Kai: Uh, it'll make sense when it happens.

Past Kai: (Sees Nya join him) I thought I told you to stay back.

Past Nya: And what? Let you have all the fun?

Past Kai:(The past Kai tries to face Samukai When he pulls out four diggers.) Oops. (Samukai uses his four daggers against Kai's one.) Ugh!

Kai: Sensei!

Past Wu: I'm on it. Ninja, go! (He uses Spinjitzu on Samukai.)

Past Samukai: Sensei Wu, your Spinjitzu looks rusty.

Past Wu: Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai.

Past Samukai: Hehehe, aargh! (He throws his daggers at a nearby water tower, making it collapse toward Past Kai's direction.)

Past Kai: Oh, no.

Past Wu: Ninja, go! (He does spinjtizu and saves Past Kai.)

Past Samukai: Lord Garmadon says take the girl.

Past Nuckal: Uh.. Which one?

Anna: Oh no.(Anna heard this, so she defeated one more skeleton and stealthily went towards Nya. To her surprise The claw missed Nya by a yard, she let out a relieved gasp.)

Past Samukai: Fools, you missed! Retreat!

Past Nuckal: Huh? (He sees two Kais, At the highest level of confusion, Kruncha asked.)

Past Kruncha: What is it?

Past Nuckal: (Shaking his head,And thinking he was haulltaing He said.)Uh, nothing.

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