Chapter 38: The Island

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(The next day, the ninja are scooping out water from under the ship.)

Kai: Ah, this is hopeless! Now that we have no rudder we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the Dark Island.

Misako: We only know what is foretold will happen. Not when it will happen.

(Zane drops his bucket.)

Anna: What is it, Zane?

Zane: I sense something.

Cole: Is it the Falcon?

Jay: Is he all right?

Zane: No. It's...something else. Brace yourselves!

(Everyone groans as they crash onto a small island with a lighthouse.)

Lloyd: Who would build a lighthouse way out here?

Zane: It's not a lighthouse. It's a prison.

(They walk up to the door when they hear growling.)

Jay: Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear.

Wu: Mysterious. We better keep going.

Jay: (sees a camera) Uh, should we smile?

Anna: It's a security camera Jay, not a photoshoot.

(Dr. Julien opens the door.)

Julien: Zane! Is it really you? (He hugs him.) You found me!

Lloyd: Uh, do you know him?

Julien: Of course, I know him! I built him, for heaven's sake!

Zane: But my memory tells me that you have passed.

Julien: Ah, you found your memory switch.

Anna: (To herself) Why are parents just popping out of nowhere what's next my parents?

(They hear another growl.)

Anna: Where is that noise coming from?

Lloyd: The sea.

Julien: Hurry, it can't know that you're here, or else there'll be dues to pay.

Jay: (Gulps) "It"?

Julien: I'll explain everything inside, including why it is that you thought I was dead.

Nya: Well, the Bounty's sailing days are over.

Wu: Come, Nya.

Julien: Locking, barricading, hand checking. (Sighs) I think we're safe. This way. (He leads them upstairs.) Please, please have a seat. You must be thirsty.

Zane: Seat, where?

Julien: (pulls a lever, revealing a table) There, of course.

Nya: Wow, that's pretty smart.

Cole: A technical wizard.

Anna: Cool.

(Dr. Julien presses a switch and everyone quietly watches as Tai-D serves them Tea. Jay decides to mess with it, and it ends up pouring tea on his groin. As he reacts to the pain, everyone laughs except Zane who finds pictures of himself and Dr. Julien from his past.)

Zane: Father, I don't understand. I-I saw you pass.

Julien: Yes, you did, and believe me when I tell you, I thought I was kaput, but as you know in Ninjago, the past is the past.

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