Chapter 27: Doomsday Comic

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(They come up to Doomsday Comix and enter it.)

Cole: You brought us to a comic book store?

Lloyd: Trust me. If there's anyone who knows how to defeat a monster that doesn't exist, I know just the person to talk to. (They start walking along the store.)

Kai: (stopping Lloyd.) We're not coming to pick out your stupid comic, Lloyd! This is serious business.

Anna: Were not, Lloyd's really into something.

Jay: (grabs a comic book, gasping) Oh, look. A first edition "Daffy Dale." I used to love that nut growing up. ( He laughs before he soon clears his throat.) So juvenile.

(Lloyd guides his embarrassed friends to the register, where a man with a ponytail and beard sirs.)

Lloyd: Fellas, meet Rufus McCallister, AKA Mother Doomsday.

Rufus: Well, if it isn't Lloyd "Hemorrhoid" Garmadon. (Jay catches up with the others.) Sorry if you came looking for the latest "Starfarer," I'm all sold out.

Lloyd: Wh—Sold out? (He screams, causing everyone to look at him.)

Anna: Lloyd.(She reminded.)

 Lloyd: Oh, actually, Mother Doomsday, we need help.

Rufus: Well, color me intrigued.

Lloyd: We have a problem. There's a Grundle on the loose and we need to know how to deal with it.

Rufus: (misunderstanding) Oh, a theoretical question.

Lloyd: Yeah, theoretical. Can you help?

(Rufus lowers his seat, gets off and comes out from behind the register.)

Rufus: Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalicus. Phew! Although extinct, there has been a plethora of film, television and comics exploring the mythology around the primordial predator. (He grabs a nearby comic, showing the Grundle.) Supposedly, they always get their prey.

Anna: Why did I just not understand a word he said. 

Kai: Me neither , Sounds like he knows his stuff.

Lloyd: (pushes through Zane and Kai) Can it be stopped?

Rufus: First thing you need to know is its thick shell-like hide is invincible to swords, scythes, nunchucks, and throwing stars. So your cheap imitations will do nothing to slow him down.

Cole: Swell.

Rufus: Second of all, it's nocturnal and will only hunt at night.

Jay: Oh, good. It's still daylight, so we can relax for a bit. (They look outside a window before Rufus looks at him, suspiciously before Kai clears his throat.) Uh, I meant theoretically.

Rufus: And the only way to defeat it is with light. (He puts the comic back.) Like a vampire, with enough of it, it could potentially destroy him. (He comes up to a display.) If I had my weapons of choice, may I recommend the Illuma-Sword? (He opens the display case, revealing four purple bladed Illuma-Swords.) These are authentic replicas that would come in handy were you to live long enough to actually face a Grundal. And if swords are your thing, (He points to another case.) maybe I can interest you in an authentic ninja gi, (The display has Kai, Zane, Jay, and Cole's ZX Gi inside.) signed by the very ninja that saved the city.

Kai: Uh, we'll just take the light swords. (He goes up to the fake Illuma-Swords and is about to grab one before Rufus stops him.)

Rufus: Not so fast. This "Starfarer" combo pack can only be won in the Fritz Donnegan Trivia Battle Royale. (He points to a fan, dressed like Fritz Donnegan, talking to some cosplayers.) You have what it takes to be the best?

Jay: You can do this, Lloyd.

Lloyd: Sign me up.


(Later that night, at Doomsday Comix, Lloyd and the fan are on a stand. Jay is eating cotton candy.)

Rufus: It's down to the final two. This question is for Lloyd.

Crowd: (chanting) Lloyd! Lloyd! Lloyd!

Rufus: What is Fritz Donnegan's famous catchphrase?

Lloyd: "Fear? Fear is not a word from where I come from."

Rufus: Correct! We're all tied up.

(The crowd cheers as the fan looks at Lloyd, who smirks at him. As they keep celebrating, Zane looks out the window.)

Zane: (to Cole) It's getting dark. The Grundal will be on the prowl soon.

Kai: Don't worry. I got faith Lloyd can win those Illuma-Swords.

Anna: Even if he does win the Illuma-Swords what good are thry to us, they just flashlights shaped like swords.

Cole: Huh yo-

 Kai: (They soon hear slurping and turn to Jay, who is eating some cotton candy.) Is this really the best time to be eating cotton candy?

Jay: It makes me feel young. Deal with it.

Rufus: Final question. The first person to answer this will win. (He turns to the competitors.) In the latest issue of "Starfarer," how did Fritz Donnegan escape the Imperial Sludge?

Lloyd: (struggles to find the answer) But I haven't read the latest issue!

Fritz Donnegan Fan: By reversing the polarity of the ship's gravity transducer.

Rufus: We have a winner!

(Lloyd looks to see the ninja are disappointed while the rest of the crowd cheers. Pretty soon, the lights shake before the power goes out.)

Rufus: Who shut off the power?

(Everyone looks up at the sound of the disturbance as the sign falls off)

Anna: It's here.

Rufus: (confused) What's here?

Jay: You know that theoretical discussion we had earlier? (chuckles)

(The Grundle appears on the glass roof.)

Rufus: Not the...(The Grundal steps on the glass, cracking it before looking down.) Grundle!

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