Chapter 37: The Storm

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(Zane comes on deck after being in the control room.)

Cole: Still no word from your Falcon?

Zane: Not yet.

Kai: I wonder what's on the island?

Zane: An entirely new ecosystem?

Cole: Never before seen creatures?

Jay: Oh, vegetables that taste like dessert?

Anna: Darkness, shadows monsters and probably Garmadon.

Kai: I hope the Stone Army is there. They may have gotten the best of us once, but never again.

Cole: You said it.

Jay: Hear, hear!

Lloyd: I wonder if this is the end of our destiny.

Kai: If it is, there isn't anyone else I'd want on by my side.

Anna: I agree we're stuck with each other till the end.

Jay: Hear, hear!

Cole: You said it.

Zane: (Turns on Falcon Vision) My Falcon has arrived at the Dark Island! (He plugs himself into the computer so everyone can see what he sees.) There, now we can all see. (A Stone Warrior shoots down the Falcon, hurtling Zane back. Everyone gasps.) He's...he's gone.

Wu: We don't know that.

Nya: Oh, Zane. I'm so sorry.

Anna: We'll make them pay for this.

Kai: He was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the Stone Army wants a fight, they got one.

Misako: Well, that's going to have to wait because right now, we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck.


(On the Dark Island, the Stone Scouts are collecting Dark Matter.)

Garmadon: This is foolish. I have an unbeatable army to conquer Ninjago and yet we waste time playing in the mud?!

Overlord: What you call "mud" is concentrated evil. A Dark Matter that with one drop could make a man's heart turn as black as night. Have patience, Garmadon. The Celestial Clock ticks backwards to doomsday and cannot be stopped. Your time will come, but we must prepare. We must build a superweapon the likes of which has never before been seen.

Garmadon: Hmm. A superweapon? I like the sound of that! (Evilly laughs)

(A Stone warriors laughs with Garmadon with got him angry and he kick it into the concentrated evil.)


(Back at the Bounty, the ninja, except for Jay, are trying to stabilize the ship.)

Cole: Hold the line!

Lloyd: The winds are too strong!

Zane: We need everyone's help, Jay!

Jay: But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear.

Kai: Jay, this is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much.

Jay: You think I'm trying to be funny? 

Everyone except Jay: Yes!

Jay: (He hears laughter.) Okay, laugh all you want, but we'll see who laughs last when I have to go commando.

Anna: What's better|: us drowning or you going commando?(They hear more laughter.)

Kai: Who's laughing?

Lloyd: Not me!

Nya: (In the control room.) Ugh. It sounds like some of us are getting a kick out of this.

Misako: That's not laughter.

Wu: What is that sound?

Misako: (Sees starfish-like creatures cling onto the window) Starteeth!

Kai: Uh, guys, why is the sea laughing at us?

Jay: And why do I have a feeling we're not gonna get the joke? (Several Starteeth land on the ship.)

Cole: Hey, what's that? (He lets go of the rope.)

Zane, Kai, Anna, and Lloyd: Whoa!

Jay: I'm coming! I got it!

Kai: About time, Jay!

Jay: (Gets splashed with water) Oh, perfect!

Cole: What this It looks like some sort of a, hmm, fish. (He picks it up, revealing its sharp teeth.)

Misako: Wait! We must not let the Starteeth on board. They devour ships and won't stop until we sink!

Cole: (The Starteeth bites him.) Aaaah! It bit me!

(The Starteeth bites the rope, unstabilizing the mast.)

Kai: Huh, get these things off the ship! (The Starteeth clings onto him.) Aargh. I'm starstruck! Unh, good riddance, water vampires! (He throws them off.)

Lloyd: Faster! Or we'll sink!

Jay: Get off there! (They hang on his back.) Oh, my! Aah! Get them off! Get them off!

Anna: Stupid water vampires.(Using magic she flung some of them off but more come on deck.)

Kai: Use your Spinjitzu!

Zane: Jay don't-

Jay: Ninja, go! (He does so, but they go on their sail.) 

Cole: Nice job Jay!

Jay: Okay, bad idea.

Everyone : Ninja, go! (They use Spinjitzu and gets them off the ship.)

Kai: Sink your teeth into this!

Jay: (Gasps after seeing some bite the chains) They eat through metal too?

Lloyd: Uh, guys, I think we have a bigger problem.

Anna: What's more bigger than this?!

Lloyd: That!

 (The Starteeth eats through the side of the ship, where the ninja are unable to reach.)

Jay: Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear.


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