Chapter 16: Never Meet in the Right Order

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Morgana landed softly in front of her stone image the cold chill of the north coated her bare arms. She always hated time traveling in her sleep, waking in her nightgowns always felt vulnerable. 

With a flick of her wrist, her nightgown transformed once more into one of her favored emerald dresses. 

She closed her eyes trying to feel for a bond. There was one, though faded, already established. Upon opening her eyes she was already in front of the red keep. The Magic of the wards hummed through her veins as she entered. No one seemed to notice her, or if they did they assumed she was just a noble lady returning from the market. 

She walked up the front steps as she had a thousand times before. She would always prefer Dragonstone, which felt like home to her more than Maegor's Red Keep ever could. 

Her mind flicked over the memories of Maegor, wondering when or if she would see him again. She hoped she would, she hoped that eventually, she would join all of them together in the afterlife. Though she had a sneaking suspicion it would be a good long while yet before that happened. 

A few servants glanced at her as she walked through the keep. Though her confident strides kept any from approaching her. She built the bloody castle of course she knew where she was going. 

The two guards stationed at the door looked at her confused. She was a stranger standing before the king's chambers. 

She didn't break stride, didn't even bother waiting for them to get the door. The two armored men scrambled as the door magically opened by itself allowing her to pass, too quick for them to reach out and grab her. 

The door slammed back into place, separating her from the now panicked guards. 

He was seated by the fire, reading. He hadn't seemed to notice her entrance, nor the frantic banging of the doors. She took her seat across from him, smiling as memories of young love filled her head, "Hello, Jaehaerys." She spoke softly. 

She watched every muscle in the old man's body stiffen, frozen for a moment. Then she watched as he gathered the courage to glance up at her. 

He was aged, a grandfather now, but he still held that kind of softness that she loved. His violet eyes swelled with tears as he studied her never-changing face. 

"You got old." She said bluntly. Though she had gotten better at interaction, that endearing social unawareness was still present within her. 

"Your eyes have changed." He spoke, his voice gravelly with emotion. 

"No. They're still grey. Everyone tells me so." Morgana responded confused. 

"No enchantress...The color remains yes... But the look in your eye has changed since I knew you... It's you who changed." They had spent four months together, her longest without a jump to be sure. She watched as he twisted the ring she gave him, a habit he had when he was lost in thought. 

"I suppose I have." Morgana conceded, thinking back on all she had done and endured during her time in Westeros. 

"You never came... For my sons or daughters... I haven't seen you since before I married. Why didn't you come back? Why did you stay away so long? I had you for four months and then you never returned." Jaehaerys asked, a tear rolling down his wrinkled face. 

She couldn't tell him. 

She couldn't tell him that the bond was strongest with only kings or queens. She couldn't tell him that none of his children would ever sit the Iron Throne, for none would live long enough to see it. 

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