Chapter 29: Goodbyes

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Morgana appeared in Dorne as fire rained around them. The screams of their men rang true. She could hear Aegon and Visenya crying out in the distance as she approached the broken body of Rhaenys Targaryen. 

She sat at her lover's side pulling her hand into her own. Rhaenys' eyes flickered open at the contact. Shielded by the fallen corpse of her dragon, no one else could see the dragon witch at her side. 

"Gana... my gana... you're here... you came back to me...Have you come to take me away with you?" Rhaenys' voice was soft and broken, blood dripped from her lips as Morgana pulled the dying conqueror into her arms. She brushed the blood-stained silvery blonde hair from her sweat-soaked face as the life faded from her. 

Morgana lowered her head, gently kissing the blood-stained lips of her fallen queen. Rhaenys melted in her hold- forgetting the pain of dying if only for a moment as she kissed her dragon witch. 

"Yes...I have come to say goodbye, my love... I am here... I will always be here." Morgana felt the bond fade as Rhaenys' life drained from her. 

"Thank you for loving me, Rhaenys Targaryen." 

Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, died with a small bloody smile on her face, in the arms of her beloved dragon witch.


Aegon the Conqueror was sixty-three years old when his time came, he was sickly from the stroke and knew the stranger was approaching. He was all right with it, he welcomed his end. He would rejoin his darling sister-wife Rhaenys. 

His eyes flicked to the side as he felt someone slide into the bed beside him. 

He felt the familiar bond come back to life and warm his soul as Morgana caressed his wrinkled face. She turned his head towards her, drawing all of his attention onto herself. 

"Hello, my dream." Aegon smiled the fire in his eyes relighting. 

"Hello, my king... You were right... your dream came true... I have met the prince who was promised. He is of your blood, the blood of the dragon. He will save them all from what is to come." Morgana spoke softly in high Valyrian, kissing his jaw as she did in his prime. 

He was too weak to reach out and embrace her, feeling his end approaching. 

"Good... good.... I am so glad you have returned to me, my dream... I miss you every day... Will you stay this time?"

"Yes, my king... I will stay at your side until the end of your days." She swore, feeling his heart quicken beneath her fingers. 

She kissed his chapped lips allowing the bond to fully consume him one final time. 

"Thank you for saving me, Aegon Targaryen."

The first king of the seven kingdoms, Aegon the Conqueror, died in the arms of his dragon witch.


Despite being healthy enough to ride Vhagar to battle the year before, Visenya had aged quickly after the death of her husband and brother Aegon. She had seen to Maegor's rule, coached him through dealing with Morgana's absence, and remained his most devout supporter. 

Even so, she had grown thin and haggard, as the flesh had melted from her bones in the months following Morgana's departure. 

She knew when the Maesters had started whispering that her time was drawing near. 

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