Chapter 22: A Cornered Wolf

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Eddard Stark's heart dropped to his fucking stomach when Jon and Morgana came into his study. 

On Jon's head sat the Conqueror's crown, the symbol of house Targaryen on proud display, in his hand was the ancestral sword of the house of the dragon. Jon looked like a king, a true king. The rage in his eyes was just as familiar, burning with dragon fire.

"Uncle." Jon hissed the word his knuckles turning white as he gripped Blackfyre's hilt. 


"Oh, I told us... Well not me, future me." Morgana said holding up the letter in her hand. 

Eddard placed his face in his hands remembering the time curse. 

During the war, Aerys had used explosive fire to attack those standing outside the keep. One explosion had taken out a wall, destabilizing the protective runes and letting unwelcome guests enter the grounds of Maegor's keep. When Jamie Lannister killed the king and Robert killed the Silver Prince the magic of the keep was broken, having no dragon bond to feed off of. It was why kingslanding could be taken for the first time in centuries. 

They entered the once-magical halls and found the journals of the kings detailing the secrets of the dragon witch. Paintings, tapestries, and statues of her likeness filled the castle. Tales of her power were carved into the very stone. 

They learned of her curse, learned of the dragon bond, learned of her unimaginable power that could shake the very world. Tywin Lannister lived in constant fear that Morgana would return. He preached on the threat of the Dread Witch, telling all who would listen what she did to the people of Duskendale. 

It was why he hesitated to turn on Aerys for so long. He had witnessed the ungodly rage of the dragon witch once, he never wanted it directed towards his house. 

But to his surprise, she had never come during Robert's Rebellion. 

No matter how much Aerys prayed and called out to his lover she never came. No matter how Rhaegar begged the gods to bring her back they never listened. The Targaryens lost everything because the dragon witch never came. 

The king-maker never visited Robert, nor Joffery, nor Stannis. 

They all feared the day the dragon witch would return and seek vengeance. The story was spread far and wide by Robert, warning of the vengeful god that might one day return. 

Some believe she had abandoned the house of Targaryen, but there she stood, proudly at Aegon's side once more. 

How could he forget the curse?! 

"What have you to say to me?!... That Rhaegar didn't rape Lyanna... In fact, he loved her, MARRIED her?!? That I am a true-born son, not a bastard to mar your honor and be tossed aside and ridiculed... That I am a prince... a dragon... That you helped murder my family! My brother and sister were slaughtered, and my aunt and uncle were cast into Essos. That Robert's war was built on a lie?!?" Jon's voice roared. 

"NO! A war would have come with or without Lyanna's affair. Aerys was gone to madness! He murdered my father and brother. The North remembers that... Robert... Robert loved Lyanna and she was taken from him-" Ned tried to explain only to be cut off by Jon.

"Lyanna was never his! She loved my father! And he loved her-" 

"RHAEGAR DIDN'T LOVE LYANNA! He loved her!" Ned pointed aggressively at the dragon witch, "Lyanna was just a place holder with grey eyes and black hair that looked similar enough to the woman he truly loved. He was using my sister! She loved him and he loved the dragon witch, just as all the Targaryen kings did before! I promised Lyanna that I'd protect you, have I not done so?" 

"A gilded cage is still a cage." Jon hissed. 

"Aegon's birthright is not about greed. It's not about wanting people to bow before him... The long night is coming and a Targaryen must be the ruler when it does. I was brought to this world to ensure the House of the Dragon fulfilled its destiny. Be it by accident or fate I must fulfill my oath... Tell us everything you know." Morgana ordered, her voice cold as ice, a few of her Ss elongating into hissing sounds. 

With a deep sad sigh, Ned looked into the angry eyes of the boy he raised. He knew there had been mistakes when raising Jon. He should have told his wife the truth, it would have saved the boy so much grief. 

He should have told Jon the moment he was old enough to understand. 

He should have sent him to his family in Essos if he wished it. 

He loved his friend, his brother Robert. He loved his sister too. And even with all of his mistakes he truly did love Jon like a son. 

So he motioned for them to sit. 

Jon stayed standing until Morgana was seated comfortably, before taking his seat right next to her. His free hand gripped hers while the other still held fast to Blackfyre in his other. 

So he started from the beginning. 

"Lyanna was a wild girl. She was bright and cared little for public opinion. She brought life into Winterfell. When she was engaged to Robert, she was happy at first. Robert fell in love with her, but he was young and fickle. He drank and fucked his way right out of my sister's good graces." Ned began, pouring himself a drink, far too sober to relive this story. 

"At one of the King's tournaments, Robert was going to participate and House Stark attended. As we were walking we heard someone call out behind us. 'Morgana. Morgana. Morgana' When we didn't turn, a man grabbed my sister's hand... It was Rhaegar Targaryen... When he realized Lyanna wasn't who he thought he left us alone for a time. 

Then during the tournament, he named Lyanna the queen of love and beauty. Robert was furious, Elia Martell was embarrassed, and Lyanna became absolutely smitten by the charming prince. We tried to warn her, that he only looked at her due to her resemblance to his young love. She didn't listen.

Then Lyanna went missing and everyone believed Rhaegar had kidnapped her... The war began there. Robert rallied his forces already but House Stark attempted to negotiate. The mad king killed my father and brother for daring to ask for Lyanna's return. 

Robert killed Rhaegar. 

I found Lyanna just after she had given birth. She made me promise to protect you. After the fall of House Targaryen, I knew there was no place a dragon would be safe. So I claimed you as my bastard son, I took you home and tried to do right by you..." 

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Jon asked, tears entering his eyes. 

"No... No, I wasn't." Ned answered honestly. 

Jon stood pacing the room for a moment. He looked to Morgana, eyes begging for advice on where to go from there. 

"... I will take you to Essos. I have made a home for Viserys and Daenerys there... You would be safe and learn about your father's family. It would give you time to think." Morgana offered looking to Ned and Aegon. 

Jon paused for a moment, thinking through his options, before nodding. He looked at his father figure, the only one he ever knew. "I will come back... I will return to the north... I forgive you." 

With that, Morgana grabbed Jon by the hand and apparated away to Essos, where the last of the dragons dwelt. 

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