Chapter 9: The Cruel

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Once again she was returned to the statue, this time she didn't even stumble in her landing. Her Auror uniform had untransfigured itself during the journey, returning to its original state as Queen Alicent's dress. She was growing to hate this fucking statue, though now that she looked at it, it was noticeably newer than she had seen it previously. 

No moss grew on it, the stone was still pristine and untouched by time. Her features were less vague and looked far more like her than they were before. 

She closed her eyes, trying to figure out where she was meant to go, but found no bond yet formed. Morgana was getting better at distinguishing the bonds and where they were. She was growing more in tune with where her magic wanted her to go. She felt a distant, old bond, but she knew that she was not here to reunite with the other end.

So she sat, listening to the whistle of the cold winter's wind. She search deep within her magic trying to determine what she was meant to do. Then she knew. 

There was no explaining in words how she knew where to go. It wasn't like a voice calling out in her mind, nor was it necessarily a feeling, it was as if the knowledge simple was there. She knew exactly where to go. 

She apparated and where her feet were meant to touch the ground there was only water. She fell into the riverbank sinking into its cool waters. 

The flow of the river pushed her into some brush and her skirts got caught in a sunken boat's splintered wood. She cast the Bubble-head charm she remembered was used by both Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. 

She knew she couldn't hold the spell long, her magic was nearly drained. She had performed a massive unforgivable spell to kill a city full of muggles, then she had traveled through time and apparated further than she ever had before. 

No matter how much she tried the dress would not pull free. She tried to rip it but the wet fabric made it difficult. With a huff of annoyance, rather than waste her already waning energy she decided to unfasten the dress. 

She struggled to kick the heavy fabric off herself but eventually, she was free left only in her white chemise. She kicked off her shoes and swam towards the surface hoping to make it before she passed out. She stumbled onto land, the wet fabric uncomfortably clinging to her skin as she walked out of the water. 

Through her blurred vision she saw someone she recognize, a slow exhausted smile spread across her face, "Balerion!"

The dragon bounded towards her nuzzling his snout into her palm. Those familiar eyes were the last thing she saw before collapsing. 

Maegor Targaryen felt that the day was strange. He had no idea how to explain it. Though every day, since he was banished to Pentos, felt strange this particular day felt odd. He had taken Balerion for a short flight. The dragon was once ridden by his father, Aegon the Conqueror, but now the mighty black dread was his. 

He always felt most himself when on dragon back so he had hoped a short flight would recenter him. It had not worked. The dragon landed and Maegor decided to try and wash the odd feeling away. He disrobed near the river, hopping into the water trying to scrub the strange sensation that had seeped into his skin since the morning. 

The water helped cool the dragon fire flowing through his veins slightly but there was still an edginess to him. 

Behind him he heard a splash, his head snapped towards the noise but found nothing there. It sounded larger than a swooping bird or jumping fish. Maegor made his way back onto the riverbank, stark naked he grabbed his sword Blackfyre and prepared himself.

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