Chapter 20: A Dragon in Wolf's Clothing

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Morgana landed softly on the snow-covered ground. She felt the familiar pull of an already established bond. 

Her magic swirled as always but she paused for a moment when she recognized the pattern. "Jon... This connection is Jon's..." She whispered to herself, soft as a prayer. 

She had grown so accustomed to the bonds, that she had begun to feel the differences in the strings themselves. Sometimes the magic flowed like a strong current, powerful and uniform. Sometimes it was like smarks of lightning through her veins. 

Maegor's bond was hot and steady as flowing magma. 

Aegon the first's bond felt like a slow roasting fire. 

Viserys' bond felt like the heat of the sunshine, soft yet warming everything at once. 

Aerys felt like the chaotic flickering of a wildfire. 

The one she felt now was unlike any of those, Jon's bond felt think the twinge in your cold, frost-bitten fingers when you hold them in front of a fire. Cold and hot all at once. 

She hadn't recognized it before, not until now that is. She aparated, shaking off her thoughts. Pulling her hood up on her head, Morgana slipped through the gates of Winterfell. 

She had been there a few times before. The first was the first time she met Jon. 

The second time she entered Winterfell, she was standing behind Aegon the conqueror, and his sister-wives. The old Stark king took one look at the dragon witch and the enormous fire-breathing beasts behind her and he bent the knee to spare his people. 

Winterfell often reminded her of Hogwarts during the Yule season. It was dark and cold, but there was a certain warmth within the walls that made the place feel like home. 

She moved towards the home of the Starks, placing a charm on herself so that she would go largely unnoticed. Her steel grey eyes combed over the court yard following the bond where it would lead. 

There he was, smiling at his little half-brother Bran who struggled to pull the string of the bow back far enough. Her eyes locked onto the ring that now fit on his pinky finger. The snake signet ring that she had given him to hold onto the first time they met. 

He had been so little back then, his fingers too small to wear the ring properly. Now he had the hands of a man, with the calluses of a warrior. She smiled a bit, hoping he had found peace in the small token she gifted him. 

As if sensing it's master's return, the gem eyes of the snake on the ring began to glow. 

Robb stopped laughing, glancing over at his bastard brother's hand, "Jon... What's going on with your ring?" 

Jon looked down to his hand noticing the glow he hadn't seen since-

"Morgana." Jon's eyes grew wide as he frantically searched around for a glimpse of her. For so long he thought himself mad, or at least thought the illness had made him see things. He remembered telling his siblings about the woman who could make stars and heal illness, the woman who had hair made of shadows and eyes made of silver. They told him it was the fever that had gotten to him, that no one had entered his rooms. 

The ring on his finger was the only proof that his angel, who kissed his tear-stained cheeks and sang him strange songs, was real. 

He had gone to his father one night asking what ñuha prūmia meant. He watched the terror fill Eddard Stark's grey eyes as he frantically asked the small boy where he had heard such words. Too young to recognize his father's tone, he told him of his angel and even sang their song which only made Eddard panic more. 

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