Trapped between two dragons

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Elia hid her smile behind the cup of tea as she watched Morgana awkwardly try to pat little Princess Rhaenys on her head like a dog. 

"She's a child, Gana, not a pup." Elia giggled watching her new friend flinch as Rhaenys started reaching for the witch to pick her up. 

Little Rhaenys was just as infatuated with the witch as her ancestors, something that was extremely funny to watch for the Princess of Dorne. 

"I've never really been around children... The first time the house elves allowed me to leave the property was my first year at Hogwarts... and I was always... gone before any of my lovers began procreating. The only child I really knew was Jon but he could talk, why can't this one talk?" Morgana tried to dodge the tottering toddler only for Rhaenys to squeal and start chasing the dragon witch about the garden. 

"She's still a baby, Gana!" Elia laughed for what felt like the first time in years as she watched Morgana stand on her chair to get away from the baby. 

"Elia, it's following me!" Morgana's usually stoic voice began to panic. 

"She, Morgana, she not it!" Elia laughed even harder as she stood to pick a whining Rhaenys into her arms. The little princess continued to reach for the witch who slowly lowered herself back into the chair, wearily watching the babe. 

"My loves!" Both jumped at the booming voice of Rhaegar Targaryen as he made his way towards them. He kissed them both on the tops of their heads before leaning down and doing the same to Rhaenys. 

Things had been tense in the keep since Morgana had arrived. The hostility that had always been there between father and son became less explosive but far more stressful. 

Rhaegar began to pretend that both Elia and Morgana were his wives. In the few days she had been there, the silver prince never got any alone time with her (at the king's demand) so the bond was not yet complete. 

King Aerys hated the feeling of the faded bond, so he often watched her from a distance, ordering the guards to protect her virtue from his son. 

He would not allow Rhaegar to seal his fate. The moment Rhaegar completed the bond, Aerys' connection to the dragon witch would fade completely and the mad king refused to allow such a thing to happen. 

Tensions were high as the two royals pushed the other into a standstill. 

It was like staring down the throat of a dragon waiting to be burned. 

The good thing about Morgana's presence was actually Aery's appearance. With one socially unaware comment about the king's long untamed beard and nails, the king had allowed Morgana to magically transform him into a more recognizable version of himself. 

The king was still a volatile madman, but having the Dragon witch there to protect him, pushed away Aerys' more paranoid tendencies.

Elia watched with morbid fascination as the cruel king she had come to despise doted on the witch. Unlike his sister-wife, who was sent to Dragon Stone the moment Morgana returned, Aerys adored Morgana.

There was something charming about the blunt yet awkwardly quiet girl.

It was even stranger to see Rhaegar interact with her. 

Rhaegar worshiped Morgana as if she were a part of his broth right. It was part of his duties as crowned prince to love the dragon witch. The first night Morgana appeared, Rhaegar tried to explain to Elia exactly what he was feeling. 

Magic was the only explanation. 

The love and connection were intangible. Trying to weave together the words, even for a poet like Rhaegar, seemed impossible. Elia could only understand a bit more when they started interacting. It was strange to watch these strangers who seemed to fit together so perfectly. 

The Time Curse (Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now