Chapter 4: Aegon?

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A deep sense of Deja vu seeped into Morgana as she woke once again in the snowy woods. This time however she was not laid across the cold hard ground. Instead, she found herself on a beautiful stone Pedestal. Above her stood a stone statue of a woman, her arms spread in a welcoming stance. The statue was carved from black dragon stone, similar to the ones she recalled from the Targaryen's home. The woman's face was somewhat vague, making it difficult to tell who it was meant to be yet on her head rested a silver crown in the form of a snake, rust, and moss built up over time decorated the familiar crown like jewels. 

As she stood on shaking legs, she noticed that there were High Valyian words carved into the stone, ' a crown for the unnamed dragon queen, forever hail the dragon witch'. 

She then recognized the crown, she had been wearing it on her wedding day that never happened. Tears filled her eyes once more. So close, she had been so close to having a family like she always wanted. Now they were gone and she had no idea where she was. 

Somewhere between her sobs, she heard the familiar coo of a dragon. Stumbling footsteps drew closer and her head snapped to attention. Memories of the war flash in her head as she drew her wand, preparing for whatever threat may come. 

She hid behind the statue of herself, concealing her small form behind the stone from the sight of the approaching man. 

Aegon ii Targaryen was fairly certain he hadn't been one hundred percent sober in years, but he was definitely more intoxicated than he intended to get. He was days away from being forced to marry his mad sister Helaena and he hated it. He hoped on Sunfure and made a run for it, somehow in his drunken stooper he had found his way to the north. He was freezing and miserable but the alcohol kept him warm enough. 

He knew the moment he returned to Kingslanding his mother Alicent Hightower and his pious grandfather Otto, would beat the shit out of him for his little disappearing act, but he couldn't care less at the moment. He wanted away, far away. He didn't want to be king, he wasn't suited for it. His brother Aemond was far more kingly than Aegon would ever be. 

Aegon...A conquerer's name for a failure of a prince. 

He cursed the snow as he stumbled through the wood. He smiled in victory as he found what he was searching for. There stood the statue of the Dragon Witch. Why it had been placed in the middle of nowhere in the north he would never know. The would-be third bride of Aegon the Conqueror, a dragon speaker. 

He remembered very few of his lessons from his youth, but he remembered her for some odd reason. 

He stumbled closer, a bottle of wine loosely gripped in his hand. "Found you!" He exclaimed to the lifeless statue, her arms open and welcoming as he drew closer. 

"Who are you?" A calm, dove-like voice echoed from the statue causing Aegon to freeze. He looked at the statue before looking down at the bottle in his hand and deciding he's probably had enough to drink when statues start talking to him. 

Before he could determine how thoroughly he has lost his mind he saw slight movement from behind the statue. His violet eyes traced the movement, something inside of him beckoning him closer. 

"...Who's there?" Aegon called, sobering slightly as he moved to the side. 

Then out stepped the most beautiful woman the young prince had ever seen. She was adorned in green and black, fitted tightly to her perfectly placed curved. Everything about her seemed unnaturally perfect. Her hair was black as coal, and her pale cheeks flushed with the northern cold. And her eyes... 

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